Deformed ACEO

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      don’t feel bad vantid I’ve miss cute ACEOs too. None of mine are right at 2.5″ X 3.5″ but really close. I think as long as it’s not too small and still fits in the little trading card protector it’s still a ACEO. I’ve gone back over the edges on a few a few to many times trying to get them prefect, that a card ended up about 3″ X 2.5″
      I found this really great little paper cuter of all places at the dollar store. It’s the kind with a slide down blade (can’t cut yourself) It’s for scrapbooking and works really well just not on too thick of paper.
      Your cards are great by the way!


      vantid wrote:

      A lion that I didn’t miscut.

      oooooo veryyyy nice *droools*


      As long as they still fit within an ACEO size format, they are still ACEO regardless of a miscut, so no worries! I got my eye on that lion. Methinks I will bid on that one!


      Really neat ACEOs. I hope they sell well!


      Thanks…whatever doesn’t sell I’ll just keep on hand myself to sell later or something. I’m not too worried if they don’t sell; I know not a lot of people prefer toonishness in ACEO collecting. I will do more realistic stuff too, but after all that’s been going on with me I think I’ll stick to the lighter side for a while.


        Watergazer wrote:

        Thanks…whatever doesn’t sell I’ll just keep on hand myself to sell later or something. I’m not too worried if they don’t sell; I know not a lot of people prefer toonishness in ACEO collecting. I will do more realistic stuff too, but after all that’s been going on with me I think I’ll stick to the lighter side for a while.

        …huh? Are we still talking about Vantid’s ACEOS? 😯 This is her thread. πŸ˜†

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        Wow, I made a big oops here. I thought this was my own thread on my ACEOs and not Vantids (didn’t look honestly, when I went to hit reply since I am watching both topics)…and replied to the above comment wrongfully. Sorry about that Vantid! I do love your cards and plan to bid on the lion.


        I hope yours sell well too, Water! πŸ˜€


          Those are really interesting. What type of paper do you use? What is on the other side of the card?


          Whoa Sorry this is late, I’ve been arting like mad. These are on smooth cartridge paper, scraps cast off by larger pieces after cropping. Waste not, want not. On the back is stuff that I write in and all the bleed from the marker.


          In case anyone is interested, I made a few more cards and popped them up on eBay. Here is one:

          Ebay Linkage


          OOOo, those are pretty. One of these days, I will get some art from you. πŸ™‚


          Congrats on the selling the wolf and fox card. πŸ˜€


            Yes, I’ll be paying today! I’m looking forward to getting the fox!

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            Wow, thank you! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ As soon as I get your address I can ship it out.

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