Deformed ACEO

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    I have a bad habit of miscutting the ACEO cards once I finish them. This one, I forgot that ots 3.5 inches, not 3 inches, so the dimensions are 3 by 2.5. I wondered why it looked so funny and my composition got all funny!

    The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep.

    ~Robert Frost



      I like it anyway! What a wonderful wolf!

      While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


      Oh, I’m glad! :3

      I guess I could add that it’s for sale on Ebay…


      Beautiful wolf, vantid. Does the card lose value or something if it’s not the right size?


      don’t feel bad, you should see me cut prints sometime; not only do i mismeasure, i can’t cut a straight line even with a ruler and an exacto knife!

      Speaking of exacto knives, i’m trying to figure out if it’s a Canadian thing to call them that rather than box cutter LOL I’ve never called them box cutters, didn’t know what those were until i was older heh heh


        X-acto is a brand name. So not all box cutters are x-actos.

        And be careful using them! My boyfriend cut off the very tip of his finger with one once, sliding it along a ruler.


          Very pretty! I suppose its not an ACEO now, though, hu?


          SPark wrote:

          X-acto is a brand name. So not all box cutters are x-actos.

          And be careful using them! My boyfriend cut off the very tip of his finger with one once, sliding it along a ruler.

          Huh. You can do that with a pocket knife blade that doesn-t lock, too, specificallly when you-re digging wax out of a candelabra…


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            SPark wrote:

            X-acto is a brand name. So not all box cutters are x-actos.

            And be careful using them! My boyfriend cut off the very tip of his finger with one once, sliding it along a ruler.

            Huh. You can do that with a pocket knife blade that doesn-t lock, too, specificallly when you-re digging wax out of a candelabra…

            Oh you don’t need to do that. If you want to get the wax out of the bottom of something it is melted in put it in the freezer for 10 minutes take it out and you can pop the wax out.

            While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


            Thanks, Keppy. 😆 I’ll remember that if I ever have to do it again. The wound is several years old and healed well with just honey.


            Keplilly wrote:

            Oh you don’t need to do that. If you want to get the wax out of the bottom of something it is melted in put it in the freezer for 10 minutes take it out and you can pop the wax out.

            Good tip! I was using really hot water to get the wax off candlesticks, but I like your method better.


            I am still selling it as an ACEO, I honestly didn’t realize my mistake until after I listed it, though I made mention of the slip up in my description. I’ve sold another mis cut ACEO before, I don’t think it harms the piece. Well, in this one it screwed up the composition, but It will still fit in a trading card sleeve.

            A properly sized card, “Raven Skies”:


            I really like those. Can you put a link up?


              I looked at your items and nothing is up yet. Will they be up soon? I love your cards.

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