Crowfeather's PYO's updated 4/13/11

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      I clear coat before I antique so that if I don’t like how the antiquing looks I can wipe it all off without worrying about wiping off the paint job I worked so hard on. I learned it the hard way. 🙄


        I started clear coating too because sometimes, the paint would come off, or the antiquing would change the color of the paint.

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Okay, I think I’m going to clear coat my next pyo before I antique. I think I got lucky that it didn’t change the color or smudge the paint job. I was concerned that the clear coat would fill in some of the finer details that you would want the antiquing to get into. I guess if you put it on thin enough, it shouldn’t be a problem.


            Yup – The clear coating is pretty thin itself, and I can understand your concern, but you won’t be disappointed! it’s easier to wipe off the antiquing when you have a clear coat under it as well. Just one coat will protect the paint while you antique. Can’t wait to see your next one 😀

            Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


              Okay, I finaly had time to take pics and update. I decided to go with Harlequin for his name it seems to suit him.
              I added the charm I made and he has crystal gems. Its a bit tough to see so I made a close up of the gems. These muses are pretty small. 🙂


                You must have REAAAALLY steady hands. 🙂


                  Nice job Crowfeather! I really like the charm you made for him – it goes perfectly!

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                    Okay here goes, I’m not sure if this will come out right but, Here is my latest pyo. Thai Basil.


                    Oooooh…..I love the Merlot choice! I think we can try 9mms on some of these young dragons. It looks like there is still plenty of wiggle room!

                    Any other Young Dragon PYO painters that have used my eyes have this much space? Give me a shout out if so. Otherwise it just could be this particular one.


                      Thank you DreamingTree. I thought the eyes matched great too! 🙂 I think this dragon may be one of the ones with the eye socket issue. If I’m not mistaken there’s a thread about it.


                        Okay, heres my first Secret Keeper. I call him Lapis Lazuli.

                        He’s all black and blue with blue interfernce in spots. 🙂


                          I’m loving the contrast! Awesome bright blues you have there.

                          Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                          I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                            Thank you DragonMedley. I had a lot of fun painting this one, the blue was great to work with. I’m thinking of doing this one again but reversing the colors. It would give me a pair. 🙂

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