Copper Patina heaven!

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    JellyFish wrote:

    Okay, please fill me in. What is a fuzzy and what are secret words? :scratch: :shrug:

    Fuzzy is that cute little hairy creature behind Leigha’s curlie…They have a habit of crawling into tthe boxes for shipping if you type in the comment section…the magic words…”Love, Fuzzy”. 😀
    So, always remember to type that in there on your order form to the Windstone store! The Fuzzy is half the fun! 😀


      You can also get fuzzies on ebay purchases if you put “Love, Fuzzy!” in the customer comment area on paypal.


      Oh yeah! I forgot that one! Thank Pegasi! 😀


        Thanks I will try that next time. 🙂


        My Copper Patina arrived Saturday! It was a nice treat to come home to after working from 9:30 am to 3:30 am the next day helping my Aunt move. *falls over dead*

        I think it’s a lovely color on the curlie, and yes, so much nicer in person!!

        Hm, if another batch comes out with different colored eyes I might have to snag one of those too… 😀


        Dragons4Life wrote:

        My Copper Patina arrived Saturday! It was a nice treat to come home to after working from 9:30 am to 3:30 am the next day helping my Aunt move. *falls over dead*

        I think it’s a lovely color on the curlie, and yes, so much nicer in person!!

        Hm, if another batch comes out with different colored eyes I might have to snag one of those too… 😀
        I’d want to trade for a brown eyed one if it were to come out…I don’t know why, but I cannot seem to get the brown eyed Oriental out of my mind! :shout:


          Got my Copper Patina curl yesterday 😀 . I love the colors, much richer in person 😉 . Now I REALLY want an Oriental in this color. I have to agree with you, WC. The red eyes work, but brown eyes would be marvelous on a dragon this color 🙂 .


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          I’d want to trade for a brown eyed one if it were to come out…I don’t know why, but I cannot seem to get the brown eyed Oriental out of my mind! :shout:

          You’re not the only one! 🙄


            I got my Copper curly. I forgot to say “Love Fuzzy.” I usually do. But I like the curly a lot.


            emerald212 wrote:

            I got my Copper curly. I forgot to say “Love Fuzzy.” I usually do. But I like the curly a lot.

            He he, I’m not likely to forget that from now on, I think having a collection of fuzzies might actually bring more value to the Windstone pieces 😀

            Your avatar, by the way…I love that piece *_* Not exactly a curly but close enough!


              Mine arrived yesterday and I just order it Sunday evening. I can’t believe my luck since I was gone from 10/24 to 11/01 and got one. That Fuzzy is fabulous also Susie outdid hereself on that one.


                These Fuzzies need to get their hair under control!!


                  Wow, these guys are gorgeous! (And I looove your fuzzy! :D) Thanks for sharing these pics! 🙂


                  Dragons4Life wrote:

                  emerald212 wrote:

                  I got my Copper curly. I forgot to say “Love Fuzzy.” I usually do. But I like the curly a lot.

                  He he, I’m not likely to forget that from now on, I think having a collection of fuzzies might actually bring more value to the Windstone pieces 😀

                  Your avatar, by the way…I love that piece *_* Not exactly a curly but close enough!
                  Her avatar is actually a Jade Coiled Male. I have the Peacock, emerald, white and black gold ones. I am waiting for more. I just love those little guys! They’ve made more mother coileds than males…Where’s the love for the male coiled? 😥 XD


                    Here is my copper patina curlie and young oriental. Tried to get pictures outside to show how they shine! 😀

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