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      skigod377 wrote:

      frozendragon wrote:

      Dragon Master wrote:

      Regerdless of how many avercge per day you are still the largest number of posts!!
      I’m 24.83 and you are 24.69 so we are very close there too

      yeah but considering how long ski has been here and how long you have been here….

      you are the queen of posts and ski is just princess….

      For real! And considering Frozen has been a member as long as I have and you are about to pass him, that would mean you talk ALOT! Really….I think you may just be mentioning how much I talk so much JUST to up the number of posts YOU have. Scandalous, DM, just scandalous.

      you are so silly….guess that’s why I love you….

      did you ever get the cookies…..


        No, but I did not go check yesterday. I will today. Mo PO is a 20 min drive away 😕 I could def use some cookies. I have a headache.


        Poor Ski. Too much schoolwork or too much computer? Or are they one and the same thing?


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Poor Ski. Too much schoolwork or too much computer? Or are they one and the same thing?

          My schoolwork is all on the computer 😕 Its hard not to break away every 5 min to see whos on the forum.


          I know exactly what you mean! It’s the same with me every morning.


            I got COOOKIES! And two bottles of wine to wash them down with!~ and a curled dragon with LOVELY peacock markings, so I am a bit happier.


            The way it sounds you get more Windstones every week. Is that normal or just the season? 🙂


              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              The way it sounds you get more Windstones every week. Is that normal or just the season? 🙂

              I went on a binge over the last month. I have since slowed down, but thats only cuz im broooooke! 😆


              And that makes a difference to you? 😀


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                And that makes a difference to you? 😀

                Its legitimate, honest to goodness, broke this time! I dont even have an available balance on my card, and my bank account is empty!! The only money I will have is whatever my wolf goes for. A shame, hu? Oh well…tax season will be here soon enough.


                Poor Ski. If the $15 for that hatchling helps any, I can pay it as soon as you PM me shipping cost and a PayPal address. 🙂


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Poor Ski. If the $15 for that hatchling helps any, I can pay it as soon as you PM me shipping cost and a PayPal address. 🙂

                  I forgot it when I went to the post office today! Our PO here is closed on Mondays, and then I drove out to mine today and I forgot the dang box!! I will get to it tomorrow, though… Promise!


                  Okay. No big hurry. I don’t have to do a PayPal transfer every single day. 😀


                    I’m so broke right now I’m not sure how I’m going to pay for the gas to get to and from work the next few weeks


                      Greater Basilisk wrote:

                      Actually, you’re doing just perfect, nessie. If we had more people like Ski and Nirvana this forum would spin out of control. We need a few prominent names and that’s good enough. So I guess I should stop complaining that a lot of people don’t talk as much as some of us… 🙂

                      Sweet! I made prominent statis! W00t! /ding!

                    Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 82 total)
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