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  • #514196

      CherylKaufman wrote:

      Snapdragon wrote:

      Ski, so, you imply that females are just coldblooded evil generators just like men, but with makeup on?

      Again- understatement- Snap- women are WAY worse than men. We are vile, conniving, awful, back-stabbing, nasty, vindictive creatures…we just look prettier naked than you do.

      Thats crap! We are sweet and innocent fragile little flowers.


      skigod377 wrote:

      Thats crap! We are sweet and innocent fragile little flowers.

      I’m sorry, waht did you say about “That is crap”…oh, you meant your misleading appelations to us as innocent….fragile…or flowers- I will have you know innocence leaves, even the most fragile spun glass vase, when broken, will cut the hell out of you, and many flowers are indeed very poisonous and deadly.

      foxglove, purple lotus, iris, wisteria, sweet pea…


        CherylKaufman wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        Thats crap! We are sweet and innocent fragile little flowers.

        I’m sorry, waht did you say about “That is crap”…oh, you meant your misleading appelations to us as innocent….fragile…or flowers- I will have you know innocence leaves, even the most fragile spun glass vase, when broken, will cut the hell out of you, and many flowers are indeed very poisonous and deadly.

        foxglove, purple lotus, iris, wisteria, sweet pea…

        You are just twisting words around to make it suit your purpose. Easy to do with a vocabulary like yours. Pick on someone your own size! We are delicate blooms that require the best of care.
        Watch this…I hope it works:


        πŸ˜• πŸ˜• πŸ˜•

        Ummm….no. I would rather be smart, opinionated, gentle at times, moderately attractive, and empathetic…I also enjoy verbosity and I do NOT have a beard! Lots of words lead to lots of tangents, many of which are fun to explore (as Ski well knows). I like being me and not some silly sweet flower :p


          I know πŸ˜† Im just trying to rile you up πŸ˜€ I am not meek at all, though I will make my man a plate and spoil him…as long as he treats me like a Queen, i’ll treak him like my King πŸ™‚


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            Snapdragon wrote:

            Ski, so, you imply that females are just coldblooded evil generators just like men, but with makeup on?

            Again- understatement- Snap- women are WAY worse than men. We are vile, conniving, awful, back-stabbing, nasty, vindictive creatures…we just look prettier naked than you do.

            😈 I love it when you shower me with compliments Cheryl! <3


            Nirvanacat13 wrote:

            CherylKaufman wrote:

            Snapdragon wrote:

            Ski, so, you imply that females are just coldblooded evil generators just like men, but with makeup on?

            Again- understatement- Snap- women are WAY worse than men. We are vile, conniving, awful, back-stabbing, nasty, vindictive creatures…we just look prettier naked than you do.

            😈 I love it when you shower me with compliments Cheryl! <3

            Wow, Narcissist eh?

            hehehe, I had my ex-boss pictured when I thought of such a colorful description. But if you want to jump in there it’s okay.

            skigod377 wrote:

            I know :LOL: Im just trying to rile you up πŸ˜€ I am not meek at all, though I will make my man a plate and spoil him…as long as he treats me like a Queen, i’ll treak him like my King πŸ™‚

            I figured if you’re in the Army you’re probably not so meek. Besides, you’re opinionated so right ther eyou can’t be the “perfect” female! As to making a plate…I can’t say I will do that unless I am just in a hurry or he’s gettign home late.


            skigod377 wrote:

            CherylKaufman wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Thats crap! We are sweet and innocent fragile little flowers.

            I’m sorry, waht did you say about “That is crap”…oh, you meant your misleading appelations to us as innocent….fragile…or flowers- I will have you know innocence leaves, even the most fragile spun glass vase, when broken, will cut the hell out of you, and many flowers are indeed very poisonous and deadly.

            foxglove, purple lotus, iris, wisteria, sweet pea…

            You are just twisting words around to make it suit your purpose. Easy to do with a vocabulary like yours. Pick on someone your own size! We are delicate blooms that require the best of care.
            Watch this…I hope it works:

            Haha, I don’t think I will show that to my bf. I love how the sound is off. It reminds me of those forien films that are translated into english.


              The sound should be on πŸ˜• Its no fun if you cant hear it.

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