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      I have a hard time finishing a meal before it cools off, because every meal is placed in front of a keyboard.

      I suppose I should be happy that meals are being placed in front of me, or I’d probably never eat.



          Snapdragon wrote:

          I have a hard time finishing a meal before it cools off, because every meal is placed in front of a keyboard.

          I suppose I should be happy that meals are being placed in front of me, or I’d probably never eat.

          For real! At least someone feeds you!


            Someone loves me too much. The ratio of attention to love output is biased in my favor… but the ratio of sustenance and “bacon-home-bringing” is inversely proportionate with my three jobs. 😆


            So,…you’re saying you earn your keep and she has lots of free time on her hands- how could it get much better than that? Wow, a match made in heaven :p


              😆 😆 😆
              I have found my posting niche… and it’s right under Cheryl’s skin 😈 😈


              NAH! The only thing I was annoyed at was the “convenience” or lack thereof in staying in a relationship when you have no interest in being there. I find that deplorable. It’s just a cut the strings and go if you don’t want to give it your best kind of thought process. Past that I think you’re funny ;p


                I’ll have to find that post again because I don’t know how I meant to come across on that one. If I don’t like something I generally fix it in a hurry.


                  Snapdragon wrote:

                  I’ll have to find that post again because I don’t know how I meant to come across on that one. If I don’t like something I generally fix it in a hurry.

                  I dont remember reading anything like that. Maybe she was talking in general?


                  Let me help you:


                  lol.. schmoo? Very Happy

                  When I want to be, I am a very caring, loving partner. I can and will cook, clean, run errands, take you to dinner, a movie, walk in the park, etc. I always joked about charging $200/hr for these services when I was told how considerate I can be.

                  The part that started my rant was “When I want to be”


                    Ah right.

                    Well it’s not like I choose to be a jerk on the other days either… all I meant was if I thought to myself one day “Gee wouldn’t it be great to do something nice for someone” I could actually clean up the house and cook dinner, I am capable of those kinds of things.


                    Well, see, that explanation is way better than your first one :p


                      Well, I am male… there are communication barriers.


                        Snapdragon wrote:

                        Well, I am male… there are communication barriers.

                        Snapdragon = King of Understatement.


                          skigod377 wrote:

                          Snapdragon wrote:

                          Well, I am male… there are communication barriers.

                          Snapdragon = King of Understatement.

                          At least he knows what the problem is =P

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