COA sketches!! Post yours!

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      Wow, I love that 😯 😯 You should really get that framed and hang it over your griff.


        copper83 wrote:

        Ummm…..I guess that would be me. 😯 But how did you know about it Arlla? I just got it today. I gotta say, I not sure which I’m more excited about, the griffin or the COA! I love both of them! Here they are. I think I’ll go hide now.

        She could do an artist print of that sketch! I really loove that one.


          copper83 wrote:

          Ummm…..I guess that would be me. 😯 But how did you know about it Arlla? I just got it today. I gotta say, I not sure which I’m more excited about, the griffin or the COA! I love both of them! Here they are. I think I’ll go hide now.

          I saw her drawing it. You are SO LUCKY!! XD I wish I had gotten that griffin, just so I could have that sketch. Congrats!

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          That sketch is adorable!

          Copper, you’re really lucky!


          Wow! That is a gorgeous sketch. I agree, Melody should do that one as a print!

          I just got a little griffin, but I am thrilled anyways 🙂

          Here is my Emp Pea Hatcher.


            Thanks everybody. I do feel very lucky! And I let Melody know how very much I love it. I will be framing this one.

            Arlla, that’s cool you saw it being drawn. By the way, I’ve had another long talk with that Tiger Grif. 😉


              Well this is the first time I’ve had to post the sketch that came with the medicine hat pinto young unicorn. He was auctioned in while my husband was home on R&R from Iraq. He joked about taking it back with him.


                that’s pretty peg….I didn’t know you won that….I haven’t been paying that close attention to all the stuff on ebay…


                  My husband was nice and let me bid on it. He could tell I really wanted it. So it’s my Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary present since he won’t be here for any of them (B’day and anniversary are in June). He’s expected home in late summer/ early fall 2008.

                  I haven’t really been paying attention to stuff on eBay lately either. I did keep a running list of things to add to the database I keep, but the last time I added anything to my list was Dec. 9 so I really need to get on and grab the close auctions before they expire out of the system. I’m running close to losing things since eBay only keeps things for 14 days.


                    yeah true…

                    I’ve had tons of stuff to do…and no money….so looking is just kind of pointless at the moment…


                      keschete wrote:

                      Wow! That is a gorgeous sketch. I agree, Melody should do that one as a print!

                      I just got a little griffin, but I am thrilled anyways 🙂

                      Here is my Emp Pea Hatcher.

                      Oh the baby dragon is so cute!!! I would so buy a scetch of him!!


                      Those sketches are neat. The little griff is sweat-looking.


                        Greater Basilisk wrote:

                        Those sketches are neat. The little griff is sweat-looking.

                        The griffin looks sweaty? 😆 (Sorry, that one was too funny to pass up.)

                        Both of those pics are very cute, Kaya.

                        Peg, your unicorn is lovely.


                          I love that unicorn sketch. That was a very pretty piece they put up for auction.


                          Travistie, didn’t you get sketches with your Poads?

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