WolfenMachine wrote:
OMG I’m so excited! I got my last box of goodies from Windstone today, and aside from some beautiful critters, there was a beautiful drawing! (Well to me it’s a drawing…to Melody it’s a sketch I’m sure) It came with the Nyalah Male #2. Good things come in 3’s…3 is a big deal for me..I was even born on the 3rd!
I love it sooo so much!!

And this one came with my new Flame OW

and this one was my favorite until I got the Griff sketch today. Came with my Calico Flap Cat. I love how the sketch has the same look of “cat bliss” I love so much on the closed eyed flap kitties ^_^

And this came on the Barred Winged Wolf Male Griffin #2
Holy crap I am jealous.