COA sketches!! Post yours!

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      Lokie wrote:

      travistie wrote:

      Wow, that is so unbelievably adorable; it looks like she is preening herself 🙂

      OK I have to admit I thought this picture was cute when I first say it BUT that is not the way Poads(tm) look in person


      Cuuuute! Thanks, travistie! 😀


      travistie wrote:

      Sketch on COA for #1 Tiger Poad with lavender eyes:

      Sketch on COA for #2 Tiger Poad with green eyes:

      Those are adorable!


        That’s wierd… those pics are a lot smaller than what they were last night, when I posted them. 😕 I wonder why that happened. You can’t really see the actual Poads themselves very good in that small pic. I need to try and play with it more.

        DM, if Poads preen (and apparently they do)… then that is exactly what they would look like IMO. Cute little striped balls of fur and feathers. Thats how their creator envisions them. I think it’s perfect!


          Ooooh! Cute!! Thank you for sharing! I’ve really enjoyed this thread! 😀


          Those Poad ™ sketches are just ADORABLE! Thanks for posting! 😀 😀


            Your welcome! 😀 I was gonna get to it eventually… I was just waiting on my new camera. I knew my husband was getting me one for Christmas. 8)

            This is one of the main reasons I asked for a camera for Christmas… to share pics of my collection. There’s more I need to photo this weekend. But I also have really enjoyed seeing everyone else’s pieces and sketches. This is a fun thread! 😀


              They are both adorable, but I really love the sketch for #1. 😀


                Oh, I love the sketches!!! I just wish I could get LE stuff just for the sketches. 😆


                Or that Melody would put more sketches up on E-Bay.


                  That too 🙂 But I would still love to be able to afford the LE stuff. 😆


                    I only have one, from my empea OW. Simpler than many here, but I love it anyhow!


                    Melody has gotten way more elaborate over the years – more color, more detail… Cool!


                      Here’s my one and only COA sketch:

                      And this isn’t exactly a COA, but I think it’s adorable anyway:


                        pipsxlch wrote:

                        Simpler than many here, but I love it anyhow!

                        Ooh, I *like* that one! The, er, sketchiness makes him look like he’s moving. 🙂

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