COA sketches!! Post yours!

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    Ahem, travistie? We’d still like to see Poad sketches. 😀


      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      Ahem, travistie? We’d still like to see Poad sketches. 😀

      Oh crap! 😳 Yeah, I’ll get them up soon… I promise!!! My husband got me a new digital camera for Christmas, so I’m trying stuff with it. I’ll get the pics posted this weekend, when there is decent lighting. I get home too late after work, and it’s dark. I’d like to take the pics in natural lighting. And, I gotta set up a image shack account. Is that the best one to use? Or are there other sites that are better?

      The 3rd Tiger Poad is on her way to keschete now though… so the Poad family won’t be entirely complete. I needed to part with that one to help fund my pearl/gold Sun dragon. I was getting a little bidding happy on Ebay the past few weeks. 🙄 I offered her to keschete though… since she liked them a lot too. Maybe she’ll post that one when she gets it.


      If you email me the pictures, I can post them on my photobucket account! I don’t mind you showing pictures of all three and their sketches 🙂

      For everyone, I was bidding against Travistie on two of the Poad auctions and then I was so worried about getting the castles, I didn’t bid on the last one.

      I told Travistie when she won all three, if she ever wanted to sell, I would like one 🙂 So she should be here by this weekend 🙂 Since I didn’t get the Silver SK, at least I got a cute Poad! Thanks Travistie!


        You’re welcome Kaya! I know you’ll love this Poad, and that she’ll have a good home with you. 😀 The COA sketch is just as adorable as the Poad itself. I hope Melody doesn’t put anymore on Ebay anytime soon… or I’ll be in major debt! 😆

        Anyway, I didn’t get a chance to snap any pics of them yet. I was out visiting the in-laws all day yesterday… and didn’t get home till late. I had to work today… bleh. Maybe I’ll try and get some decent pics when I get home from work tomorrow, and send them to you to post.

        I do need to eventually set up an account where I can post my own pics though. It will be fun to play around with. And, I do have more additions coming in the mail over the next few days that I will want to try and show also. 8)


          Poads!!!! Where???? 😀 😀 😀


            😆 I’ve got a whole pile of them here with me!!!


              Waaaaaah!!!! I only have one lonely poadie….I gotta get her some friends…but here lately all my money has been poured into this sculpting project of mine. 🙄


              Congrats to Kaya on the blue-eyed Poad!


                purplecat wrote:

                Waaaaaah!!!! I only have one lonely poadie….I gotta get her some friends…but here lately all my money has been poured into this sculpting project of mine. 🙄

                And you got that Poad from me! You do need to get her some friends though. I think they like to cuddle together.


                  And thank you!! She is soooo cute! I’m wanting the silver poad…but I’ve tossed all my $$ into this sculpting project I’ve been working on. That poad and my old green curlie are the only new pieces I’ve bought in forever. 🙄 😀


                  Okay, here is the Tiger Poad #3 that Travistie just sent me 🙂 She is prettier than she looks and very difficult to photograph. The picture doesn’t do her justice. The COA is just adorable!


                    Awww….I love that Poad sketch!!! It’s adorable (just like Poads) 😀


                      squeeEEEee!!!! so cute!! 😀 😀


                        Isn’t she cute! I’m so glad you like her Kaya. How could you not! 😆 I really love the pearly finish Melody gave the Tiger Poads though. All 3 are very pretty and OOAK.

                        I’m gonna try and get some good shots of the other two this weekend with my new camera.


                        Awww! That seems to be a really good pic of her, Kaya. You can see a lot of detail.

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