
CO Akita needs a home ASAP

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      PM’d you. I may be able to provide a home for her.


        Skylover wrote:

        PM’d you. I may be able to provide a home for her.

        *crosses fingers* That would be wonderful.


          Update: I’ve now got a wonderful Akita named Keiko now! She is an amazing dog – very calm, loving, and playful. I’ll try to post pictures when I find my camera. (I just moved so it’s in a box somewhere….)


            Skylover wrote:

            Update: I’ve now got a wonderful Akita named Keiko now! She is an amazing dog – very calm, loving, and playful. I’ll try to post pictures when I find my camera. (I just moved so it’s in a box somewhere….)

            Aww, that’s so great! And so nice of you. 😀


              Hurray! A happy story for all! 🙂


              A very happy story! Skylover, I’m glad you could take her AND I’m glad you like her!


                How cool is that! I hope you get along fine together. 🙂


                I’m so glad you were able to take her. Akitas are such great dogs. Once you’ve been owned by an Akita you never go back 😆


                  That’s wonderful! 😀


                    Yay, a happy ending!! 😆


                      That’s great!! 😀 I always like to see a friend in need have a happy ending.


                        I’ve been so depressed….I have 7 dogs as some of you may know, I love them all but some days they really can be a PIB and it’s so hard to love on them all with out some squabbling. I’ve been so bummed lately and I was thinking of my husky that at age 10 started having seziures and I had to let him go it was a tumor. I have always wanted a Akita. I was so down thinking about this guy and worried. I’m a strange person I know! I worry for the four legged ones. Today I log in and JOY!! happy dance! he’s got a home!! A home with all the cuddles and home!
                        I am so silly I know that. My seven are my kids and they do get into trouble. I have one that refuses to stay in the yard! he has an acre of land and they have a dog door! why would he leave! so we installed a cable and he goes out on his runline for the day and seems content to be there he sleeps in his kennel on the porch and roams a bit on the lead but he’s happy out there. I’m just glad he’s on that cable and not out running the roads!
                        I’m rambling…sorry I do that.

                        WHOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO for a new home!!! to get back on topic!



                        ruffian wrote:

                        😆 😆 I’d love to see some too. I think she has to find her camera first

                        Meantime here’s Alf to cheer you up. He is half akita 😉


                        k fine
                        here are some of the breed that the Akita was created from:


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