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      I know this may be a weird question…but I’ve always been curious…How many coats of clear coat (on average) does a windstone have? I know that some artists put clearcoat in between color layers to “seal” them in…then of course the final coat..which can be multiple layers as well, if you do a “underside” clearcoat and an “overhead” clear coat to be sure all angles are covered. Do you pay a fortune in krylon?? Or do you use sprayers similar to what I remember using for wood finishing in college…kindof like a high-tech large volume sprayer….



          purplecat wrote:

          I know this may be a weird question…but I’ve always been curious…How many coats of clear coat (on average) does a windstone have? I know that some artists put clearcoat in between color layers to “seal” them in…then of course the final coat..which can be multiple layers as well, if you do a “underside” clearcoat and an “overhead” clear coat to be sure all angles are covered. Do you pay a fortune in krylon?? Or do you use sprayers similar to what I remember using for wood finishing in college…kindof like a high-tech large volume sprayer….

          The production gargoyles have about 2 heavy layers of clear coat: one between layers of paint, one as a finish coat.. This is depending on what you count as a layer.. since a layer is actually many many coats put down at the same time to build up a fairly substantial thickness. The other fine finish pieces have two or more depending on what we are doing with them. The autumn leaf dragons I do have lots and lots of layers of clear coat alternating with paint layers. We don’t use Krylon, we buy 5 gallon buckets of an acrylic clear coat and apply it with honking big air brushes. “We” of course means just me. I’m the only painter right now!


            The only painter? D: You guys lost all your painters in the move, too?


              ah, thank you! I love the autumn leaf color…I still think there should be a LP run of old warriors in that color….with green eyes. It’s a beautiful color. Oy….with the numbers of pieces you produce, it must really stink to be the only painter! Your most recent batches of poads are stunning, by the way. ๐Ÿ™‚


              If you desperately need a painter/caster for the summer I’m up for hire, Melody :yes: that is if I can get help finding a place to live. I’m willing to go anywhere for work that I like that’ll teach me something new.


                I reeeeaaly love that autumn leaf color. I think it is one of the prettiest color combinations so far..
                but of course i am fond of color combos like that. (they are less boring to me)


                  lol..yeah…,I love foresty colors. Anything reminiscent of a forest appeals to me alot…and that color is awesome.


                    KoishiiKitty wrote:

                    I reeeeaaly love that autumn leaf color. I think it is one of the prettiest color combinations so far..
                    but of course i am fond of color combos like that. (they are less boring to me)

                    I love that color to. I really hope its not going to be just a limited production color, but a regular production for all the dragons squeek* . My absolute ‘dream peice’ would be the OW in Autumn Leaf. He’s actually what I’m saving up for when I buy my next OW. Actually, he would be my only OW dragon if he was actual sculpture ๐Ÿ˜ณ . I wonder how hard it is to paint The autumn Leaf color :scratch: . I would imagine it’s as complicated as the Rainbows, maybe more so.


                      purpleturtle wrote:

                      KoishiiKitty wrote:

                      I reeeeaaly love that autumn leaf color. I think it is one of the prettiest color combinations so far..
                      but of course i am fond of color combos like that. (they are less boring to me)

                      I love that color to. I really hope its not going to be just a limited production color, but a regular production for all the dragons squeek* . My absolute ‘dream peice’ would be the OW in Autumn Leaf. He’s actually what I’m saving up for when I buy my next OW. Actually, he would be my only OW dragon if he was actual sculpture ๐Ÿ˜ณ . I wonder how hard it is to paint The autumn Leaf color :scratch: . I would imagine it’s as complicated as the Rainbows, maybe more so.

                      I got to agree. I’ve not spent money on any big dragons in any of the new colors because none of them apeel to me like the peacock had..but if the OW’s came out in that autumn leaf, you bet i would have to get one.


                        kitsunelady wrote:

                        The only painter? D: You guys lost all your painters in the move, too?



                          that’s got to be a really hard blow…..Painting can be slow work, depending on what pieces are being worked on…and you’ve already got other stuff you handle! I hope you’re able to get some good help in there soon!


                            Melody wrote:

                            kitsunelady wrote:

                            The only painter? D: You guys lost all your painters in the move, too?


                            Wow ๐Ÿ˜ฎ . That’s crazy. I don’t know of I could handle an air-brush, but if you needed some detail work, I’m pretty good at the gold detailing on the dragons ๐Ÿ˜€ . You could pay me in PYOs.

                            That’s of course if I lived in Oregon and not in Maine ๐Ÿ˜ณ …


                              Melody wrote:

                              kitsunelady wrote:

                              The only painter? D: You guys lost all your painters in the move, too?


                              Huh, I woulda moved with you guys, given the choice between CA and OR. XD I guess most of them had family/other ties in CA though.

                              I hope you can find some good painters up there. I guess you don’t have any time to sculpt with all this other mess going on! =(


                                Only painter?!?! Wow, you must have so much on you right now! I guess it’s good that casting isn’t quite in full swing… Selfishly, I’d love to see you sculpting again.

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