Canada Trip in 11 days, items still avail!

Home Forums Administration Flea Market Canada Trip in 11 days, items still avail!

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    Jasmine wrote:

    That would be Kitchener Waterloo, it’s about 1 1/2 southeast of Toronto. Very nice area. Have fun. 🙂

    Thanks. There now. Found a great pet store here about a block from our hotel. I held a gorgeous pink and red albino cornsnake baby (aww!), and a nearly-full grown california kingsnake, who was very sweet. Sadly I can’t take any of them home. *cries*

    But, i have a yearling size King at home already, i can’t wait till he gets bigger. And I have a ball python, but she’s still tiny.

    It’s beautiful up here, and we saw a deer in a field big enough I thought it was a pony at first. 😮


    I’ve only got one nibble on the flapcat, looks like the others are going to eBay, cause I really need to get these funds back where they belong.

    Pictures of these will go up hopefully later today, if still no offers, then eBay it is.



    Pictures will be taken and posted here very soon, been having some serious computer problems last few days, so if you have messaged me and I haven’t written back, that is why. I will try to catch up with everyone asap.



    OW, in excellent condition, gold was touched up, other than that, he’s perfect. Never damaged, was a trade for other repair work rendered.

    Scratcher, also in excellent condition. She was given to me by a friend who told me if I ever needed to sell her not to hesitate.

    Currently I have no money for my trip, trip is paid for, but food and transport, etc are important too. So please guys, I hope someone is interested in these guys.

    I can also offer a scratcher box for the scratcher, my brown scratcher isn’t going anywhere.



    keeproftheflocks wrote:

    Good luck with your sales and trip. I’m actually going up to Canada this weekend- meeting my boyfriend’s extended family in… um.. Kitchner? (I probably spelled that wrong).

    Not sure exactly where it’s at. :scratch:

    That’s where I am. I’m in Kitchener, and my parents are in Waterloo. I don’t know if you had the chance but a good place to visit would be north of here. Tobermory, Wiarton, and the area, it is beautiful. Plus there’s many “trade” type shops since the reserves are there as well. Also some great fishing.

    Seeing your later post, I’m surprised that you found snakes in the pet shop. There’s a by-law against exotic animals, fish, reptiles, anything really isn’t allowed. I think they’ve eased up on it though. Just as long as you don’t show up with a pig, iguana, monkey or some other exotic in the streets. I don’t think they’d bother actually going to your home to find the animal.


      Will you be posting pictures of the flapcat? :shrug:


      siberakh1 wrote:

      Will you be posting pictures of the flapcat? :shrug:

      Yes, I need to dust him off and take pics, forgot to do that today.



        Pics on the rubies always throw me off. Is your scratcher an old unstable paint ruby or the newer stable color?

        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
        Sun Dragon Koi #3


        From the pics it looks like the old, unstable Ruby color.


          What do you mean stable or unstable?


            jackid55 wrote:

            What do you mean stable or unstable?

            There are two types of ruby paint. The older version is unstable in direct light and does strange things. You have to very careful about displaying and cleaning these pieces. However, it is also the most amazing red I have ever seen. The newer more stable version is just not as rich or dark and I don’t care for it nearly as much. My OW is an older unstable ruby and I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He is really incredible in person.

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              Hey!!! Does the kid come with the scratcher? Hi Alex. 😉


              setsunawolf wrote:

              Pics on the rubies always throw me off. Is your scratcher an old unstable paint ruby or the newer stable color?

              Older unstable color. But it is in excellent condition, I hope you won’t hold it’s paint against it. 🙂 Same goes for the OW, it is also the older paint version.



              Like setsuna, I prefer the older Ruby color! My OW is the darker Ruby and it looks much richer than the newer Ruby.


                Kyrin wrote:

                setsunawolf wrote:

                Pics on the rubies always throw me off. Is your scratcher an old unstable paint ruby or the newer stable color?

                Older unstable color. But it is in excellent condition, I hope you won’t hold it’s paint against it. 🙂 Same goes for the OW, it is also the older paint version.

                Actually I wouldn’t be interested if was the stable color. When do you need payment? I might be able to swing something. My Ruby OW is also the unstable color and I love it!!!!

                Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                Sun Dragon Koi #3

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