Brown emperor

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    The first one in months. I wonder how much he’ll go for.
    Brown emp



      I just checked the database LIH sent me and since October 2006 there have been 4 mint Brown Emps selling for $560, $899.99, $999.99 and $300. There was 1 non-mint Brown Emp who went for $666. So he could go for just about anything!


        Ohh WOW…I didn’t think that they go for that much, he is gorgous tho, I wish I could afford him 🙁



        One went for almost $1000 and one went for only $300? 😯 Wow!


        If I recall correctly, the $300 brown emperor was a lucky find by Goldragon2 — it was nearly mint and listed as a buy-it-now. Guess who happened to spot it right away… 🙂


          Ooohh….another brown emp! I wanna see what it will go for, too.


          mimitrek wrote:

          If I recall correctly, the $300 brown emperor was a lucky find by Goldragon2 — it was nearly mint and listed as a buy-it-now. Guess who happened to spot it right away… 🙂

          Talk about luck. 😆


          So who are the lucky ppl to try to go for this one?


            I already have mine and he looks like he is in good condition except for some dust


            Yeah, it did look like he was dirty.


              after a good cleaning he will be as good as new


              Yeah, and here is hoping it arrives to the new owner in one peice.


              Especially that, dragoness.


                I am not trying for him. Another will pop up eventually. I do wish whoever the bidders are good luck! I also hope it gets to you safely. 🙂

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