broke up with the boy

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    Lokie wrote:

    I’m really sorry 🙁 My own relationships haven’t fared well, so I have no advice or wisdom to share, but I do have a lot of chocolate. *passes chocolate*

    Hey chocolate is most welcome! 😉 Thanks deary 🙂


    foxfeather wrote:

    Passes sunhawk cookies

    I know what you mean girl. My favorite line that I get is “You’re too good for me” Like I wouldn’t tell you if I was. :nea:

    Sweeet, thank yew!

    LOL Yes I was thinking about that line, exactly as you say! “How about you let ME decide that, sweetcheeks” 😉


    Tinks wrote:

    Aw I’m sorry to hear things didn’t work out. *Hug*

    Thank you ^_^


    BRoS wrote:

    well, as you describe it, he might either have been working up the guts to break you up and got his manhood hurt when you beat him to it, or…. he was just hoping you had alzheimers and forget all about him…

    I am so sorry you had to go through this, it sucks, you’ll find a guy worthy of your affection, no worries

    Yeah I dunno, the whole thing seemed stupid, maybe the overarching theme is “he didn’t think, period” :X

    Thanks deary 🙂


    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    🙁 I’m sorry sunhawk that it didn’t work out but on the other hand a guy that says what he said to you is not worthy of you. He was just looking out to protect his ego…and turned everything around and made it look like you misunderstood the whole relationship…typical of them to do that from my experience after I would leave them. 😡 “it’s not me but you” bullshit.
    Yay to staying single untill you find someone worthy. 🙂

    Thanks hun, that part is what probably hurts more than the actual breaking up or him not being interested. I can deal with not having feelings but trying to make it sound like I made it all up is just not nice.


    Dragon87 wrote:

    I’m sorry it didn’t work out, but that can be for the better 🙂 Anyone whos that much of a wuss doesn’t deserve you anyway.

    *passes on the virtual cookies and chocolate*

    LOL thanks! ^_^ *munches*


    Jasmine wrote:

    That sucks. But I do know a great single guy if you want to meet him. 😀 He lives in Whitby though.

    LOL Dang dood, that’s on the other side of the area, I just moved to Guelph! LOL But thanks for the offer 😉


      I’m so sorry it didn’t work out. There are honest guys out there, guys who won’t lead you on, so don’t lose hope!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      dragonmedley wrote:

      I’m so sorry it didn’t work out. There are honest guys out there, guys who won’t lead you on, so don’t lose hope!

      Aw thanks! ^_^

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