Black Ice

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      Dragon87 wrote:

      OH yes I put in my *meow* for a LE Black Ice as well! She’s gorgeous! Although I think I’d like green eyes and wings…. But that’s just me. I like green. 😳

      i vote for both. A LE like Black ice and a Le done in green. 😆

      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
      Sun Dragon Koi #3


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        purpleturtle wrote:

        Maybe a black cat with the Peacock coloring?

        That might be a little too close to the retired black flap cat coloring to swing.

        I thought about that, but with the greens and champagnes that the peacocks have, I think it would be different enough. But I guess that’s just my opinion….


          I love this one! I think it would be neat to have them with blue wings, purple wings, green wings, red wings…you get the idea. However, not sure if that would be fair as the person buying would end up with a grab bag and not know what they got. They’d look great in every color, especially the green (my fav color)


          I missed seeing him….Does anyone have a photo? O.B. is all black with no white…I’d love to see this guy! 😀


          WindstoneCollector wrote:

          I missed seeing him….Does anyone have a photo? O.B. is all black with no white…I’d love to see this guy! 😀

          There’s photos up on page 25 of the eBay auctions thread, bottom of the first post

          I think it’s just gorgeous. 😀


            kgronski wrote:

            I love this one! I think it would be neat to have them with blue wings, purple wings, green wings, red wings…you get the idea. However, not sure if that would be fair as the person buying would end up with a grab bag and not know what they got. They’d look great in every color, especially the green (my fav color)

            I like this idea but Melody could make a range of “Black” cats as individuals for us; for example, “Black Fire” for the red wings. I think it would be fun for the eyes and crystals to tone in with the wings too, so purple wings could have violet eyes, green wings with green eyes, etc. How about a red-eyed black cat or would that be too creepy for some? Hehe.


            Thank you! I guess I just didn’t go back far enough in the other thread. 😳
            I love it! Although for it to actually match my kitty it would have to have light green eyes, and coppery colors instead of silvery. He’s a red tone black cat. 😀

            Crimson Vision

              Misato wrote:

              How about a red-eyed black cat or would that be too creepy for some? Hehe.

              I’d love a red eye kitty. 🙂


                Filch’s cat! 😀

                Crimson Vision wrote:

                Misato wrote:

                How about a red-eyed black cat or would that be too creepy for some? Hehe.

                I’d love a red eye kitty. 🙂


                Who’s Flich (A movie character?)? And are that cat’s eyes really really red, or CGI’d that way?!?! 😮


                  From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. They were CG’ed. 🙂


                  machineguts wrote:

                  From Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. They were CG’ed. 🙂

                  Bummer…But they did a marvelous job of it! It does look pretty neat to see a cat with red eyes. 😀
                  Um…Please don’t flame me, but I haven’t ever made it through an entire Harry Potter movie to date…I barely could watch all 3 Lord of The Rings…If it wasn’t for Gandalf I would have had an even harder time. Anyone seen Clerks 2? Yeah, when Randall goes into his schpeel about the LOTR? Yep…Pretty much. XD
                  But then again, I love the movies from the early 80’s where it seems like they had about $50,000 budgets. 😳 Especially the Horror flicks from then. 😉


                    LOL WC! 😆


                      LOL WSC 😆 I really liked the HP & LOTR movies but still thought Randall’s “summary” was pretty funny. Then again I LOVE Kevin Smith movies 😀

                      But, ON topic, personally I’m not fond of the Black Ice color at all. yick.
                      Melody, what about the black cat in this picture? Or the “grey siamese” in front? 😀 Could something similar be done as LP?


                        While we are on the topic 😳 …
                        I’m not sure if it could be a Limited production color, but if they could be, I’d love to see some calico Flap cats and gray tabbies.

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