Black gothic unicorn on Ebay

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      yeah. man, If you are putting up something you took time to repaint and you are listing it for less then what even a production cost would be..that is not much of a proffit for how much time went into painting those.

      I repaint things I by all the time for the one simple reason: I love the carving, but eather do not like the coloring..or want something a different coloring.
      And with manny things, eventualy you have to sell some of your collection.

      I have a whole mess of Harmony Kingdom peaces I have repainted…because I love the sculpt..but honestly, hate the coloring. But eventualy I will need to sell them.
      I also got some Mcfarlene dragons I am wanting to repaint.
      I had a young dragon from windstone my friend got me in black gold. I did not want to get rid of it because it was a special pressant..but the coloring soon bugged the britches off me because part of the belly scales are left black and not coloring gold/pink. Also the matt black really bugged me. So I repainted it to enjoy for myself…
      But again, at some point I might need to sell it.

      So, just some reasons why some people might repaint things/ sell thier redone items.

      Also, I really really like that blue roan. I’m partial to roans.


        I would not be surprised if she does know she is being discussed about. We do have a lot of lurkers here.


          I never even noticed that other jade empress, that’s weird since I look on ebay like every day 😀 Good find leigha. I will be surprised if mine is not jade also but im just keeping it the back of my mind as a possibility so im not terribly disappointed if its not. But i’m 98% sure it is. I can’t wait to get a picture of my group together!
          I only said she might possibly be doing it as a profit thing because those are all sculpts you can get for a pretty low price if you look around, with the exception of the gothic and that one has a reserve which i was surprised to see since it is a repaint. I just thought it was suspicious how many she was listing, but maybe you guys are right and this was her personal collection that she repainted and has to sell now. I will be more suspicious if she lists more after this but we’ll see


            I think if she is painting these to resell for a profit that is her risk, and if she doesn’t make a profit from them, I doubt she will keep at it for very long.

            I might also add that I dont see anything wrong with repainting as long as it’s sold as a repaint. In the model horse and even dinosaur toy collecting communities repainting and other mods are extremely common. I think if I buy something with my own money I have every right to repaint it, smash it, glue stuff to it, or do whatever else I feel like with it as long as I am not being dishonest or blatantly infringing on an existing copyright.


              Pam Thompson wrote:

              I think if I buy something with my own money I have every right to repaint it, smash it, glue stuff to it, or do whatever else I feel like with it as long as I am not being dishonest or blatantly infringing on an existing copyright.

              This is exactly how I feel. I have a few repaints and they are treasured beauties. 😀 Plus, there is the old standby: if you don’t agree with the seller’s practices, just don’t buy or bid. 😉


              Thanks, Pam! 🙂 I recently bought a large wolf sculpture I want to paint black, and now I don’t feel so guilty… 😳


                Pam Thompson wrote:

                I think if she is painting these to resell for a profit that is her risk, and if she doesn’t make a profit from them, I doubt she will keep at it for very long.

                I might also add that I dont see anything wrong with repainting as long as it’s sold as a repaint. In the model horse and even dinosaur toy collecting communities repainting and other mods are extremely common. I think if I buy something with my own money I have every right to repaint it, smash it, glue stuff to it, or do whatever else I feel like with it as long as I am not being dishonest or blatantly infringing on an existing copyright.

                See, I honestly agree with this.
                The reason I have a problem with the windstones is, I’m damn poor, and if I’m spending hundreds of dollars on a statue, I don’t want to mess it up lol. If I paid 3 dollars for the next windstone that hit ebay, yeah, I wouldn’t have a problem repainting it.
                It’s the money to me. Since half (maybe more?) the money you’re paying is for the time spent on painting the sculpture.


                  Pam Thompson wrote:

                  A little OT but there was also a very pretty jade hatching empress on ebay too. I wanted to have a go at her but have other things I need my money for right now. Congrats to whoever won her.

                  We did empresses in Jade?!?


                    XD Yes you did. Not very many of them from what I’ve seen but a few 😆


                      Melody wrote:

                      Pam Thompson wrote:

                      A little OT but there was also a very pretty jade hatching empress on ebay too. I wanted to have a go at her but have other things I need my money for right now. Congrats to whoever won her.

                      We did empresses in Jade?!?

                      But did they ever do matching Emperors in Jade? 😕


                        One emperor was found in the Windstone company’s collection and there are photos some where of it.


                          KoishiiKitty wrote:

                          One emperor was found in the Windstone company’s collection and there are photos some where of it.

                          I think she meant the hatching emperor.


                            Yes, I did mean a Hatching Emperor in Jade. Were there any? 😕

                            But I am even more interested in your answer, Koishii, if you meant a regular Emperor in Jade. It never occurred to me. That would be a sight to see! 😀


                              syn789 wrote:

                              Yes, I did mean a Hatching Emperor in Jade. Were there any? 😕

                              But I am even more interested in your answer, Koishii, if you meant a regular Emperor in Jade. It never occurred to me. That would be a sight to see! 😀

                              I believe Pam posted a photo of him. It was quite awhile back. I suck at using the search, but I couldn’t find it. Maybe someone else can.


                                I know some one might of had a kinglet???? I can not remember.

                                Here is the photos of the Emperor. Really bad photos..but I know he must have gotten shipped to Oregon so we might be able to ask Melody if they have found him again yet.

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