
Black Emerald Spectral

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  • #503567
    Wampus Dragon

      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE paint more Black Emerald Spectrals! Black Emerald everything! This color is so much prettier than Black Gold to me. I especially like these DARK emerald and black ones you have been painting! It’s almost like Black Jade.


      I really hope you paint a Black Emerald Rising Spectral (or a Lap or a Scratcher, etc) because that sitting one is SO gorgeous! I really hope you do this color as LP! *squeak*


        How come it doesn’t look anything like the first few “Black Emerald” dragons, though? =( All the green parts are…one flat green. I liked the original version better. This doesn’t interest me at all. T_T

        Wampus Dragon

          I like the flat dark jade. The black and dark green contrast is wonderful. But I dont care which version, as long as it includes the darker green in it.

          Im really not sure what youre talking about though kitsune lady. Black and Emerald has always been just the two colors. Black and Emerald. The larger scales on the spectral might make it seem more flat. But I love it just the same. I dont want purples and reds and crap ruining the color scheme of just black emerald.


            I think this is what kitsunelady means:


            There’s a couple of shades of green on that Fledgling.

            But I like the new version better. That Spectral is gorgeous.

            Wampus Dragon

              Eep I think the yellow eyes look creepy. They look better with the green eyes.

              I also noticed there hasnt been a green-eyed production dragon ever… Maybe this should be a first. 😛


                It hasn’t always looked like that. >_>; I liked the ‘Grackle’ version that it started out as. The eyes were lime green, and there was a fade to that color in the paint…like the fledgling. I don’t really care for the yellow eyes on the fledge, either, but I assume that was because they didn’t have lime green eyes in the right size.

                Whatever the case, this new version bores me, and it just kills me that the one color I really wanted has changed like that. THIS is what I like! –>


                  Please make this a LP color for the store. I don’t think I can outbid Wampus Dragon on ebay…


                    Please make this a LP color for the store. I don’t think I can outbid Wampus Dragon on ebay…

                    Outbidding is easy. Paying for whatever you win is the interesting bit. Another squeak for Emerald Peacock as a production or LP color. 🙂

                    Wampus Dragon

                      Im sure thats a typo since Emerald Peacock is already production. Lol.


                        Quite right – Black Emerald was what I had in mind (and it won’t let me edit it)!


                          Please, please make this a new production color. The green eyes (lime or otherwise) and the nice striking paint colors like the photo Kitsune posted.


                            I like the colors of the dragon Kitsune posted.


                              I think seasonally, they’d fit in really well with Halloween coming up!

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