
Black Cats & Ouija Boards EDIT 8/23

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      Poems wrote:

      DragonCat wrote:

      Beliefs can be so powerful, to the point of starting wars, whether over religion or simple every day habits, that they cannot be ignored. Psychics and Witches have been crucified for believing in things not seen and unknown while religious cults follow blindly in things not seen and unknown. They all have the belief in a greater power than themselves. Seems everyone is really seeking the same thing.

      If only everyone could live Righteously!

      Well said! As a side note that you may find interesting, one branch of my family history descends from John and Elizabeth Proctor who were accused of and convicted for using witchcraft during the Trials at Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. John was hanged for the crime but Elizabeth was pregnant and since the child she carried was deemed “innocent” her execution was delayed until after the child was born. Her family managed to get her out of Salem and kept her safe. We descend from that child. Eventually all the accused were pardoned by Massachusetts state law; some restitution was made to a few of the families of the victims but not all. As a nod to our family history we have several “witch balls” that we hang in the familyroom window; we also have some Native American dreamcatchers… May as well cover all bases πŸ˜‰ and our family are Christians by belief, specifically members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as Mormons for our belief in the Book of Mormon πŸ˜€

      For more information on the Salem Trials this is a good link http://www.salemwitchmuseum.com/education/

      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



      Poems wrote:

      So DragonCat, you can’t get the necklace because your mom is maybe more superstitious than yourself — she should be thankful you aren’t a vampire or devil-worshiper (I hope!!) LOL I’ll assume you can wear a cross or a fish emblem, but not a pentacle or peace sign.

      Have you ever used a pendulum? Those are such fun, and often accurate (50/50 chance eh, haha).

      Beliefs can be so powerful, to the point of starting wars, whether over religion or simple every day habits, that they cannot be ignored. Psychics and Witches have been crucified for believing in things not seen and unknown while religious cults follow blindly in things not seen and unknown. They all have the belief in a greater power than themselves. Seems everyone is really seeking the same thing.

      No, (maybe… :twisted:) Just kidding. πŸ˜† but I had the nickname “vampire” because i’m fair-skinned, iron deficient (somewhat anemic), and I hate facing the sun when I’m talking to someone outside because I’m also blonde, so all I can see is tiny rainbows and gold and not the person I’m talking to. Plus, I think they just made fun of me because I hate “Twilight” and the vamp craze. :puke:

      Always wanted to try a pendulum. πŸ˜€

      And I like to think that people need to believe something (Even if i’m not one of them), they keep people from going crazy or truly bad because they believe in punishment for wrongdoing. I understand and appreciate everyone else’s beliefs, but I personally won’t follow. :yes:


        LadyFirebird wrote:

        The bottom line–DragonCat wants a necklace that her mother doesn’t want in her house. She should respect her mother’s feelings. When she moves out she can buy whatever she wants but for now–her mom’s house–her rules! And yes, we’re a great family TDM! πŸ˜€

        I think most of us can agree with the need for DragonCat to be respectful of her mum’s wishes and LadyFirebird put it nicely :yes: I know, as a mum, that I expect me boyohs to live by certain house rules that they do not always agree with. However, they do try hard to be respectful and because of that, I will listen to their point of view and if they have sound reasoning will sometimes change the rule. It can be a very hard thing for parents to let their “babies” grow up – parents have “growing pains” right along with their kids :yes:

        twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



          DragonCat wrote:

          ………….(snips a bunch of jibberish LOL)…………..
          And I like to think that people need to believe something (Even if i’m not one of them), they keep people from going crazy or truly bad because they believe in punishment for wrongdoing. I understand and appreciate everyone else’s beliefs, but I personally won’t follow. :yes:

          That comment is wise beyond your years. Organized religions came about to help herd masses of people into believing they may be struck dead or suffer inconceivably for not following official rules of segments of society, whether Mayan – Native American – Wiccan – Christian – and many cults including the Peoples Temple of Jonestown, etc The reason so many various religions exist is to appease all the different people, so they can find one with or near their own beliefs (I was raised and baptised Catholic but find much of what they preach to be hypocritcal and based on monetary reasons) and while I don’t label my religious beliefs with a ‘name’, I find I most closely follow the Wiccan beliefs moreso than any other in todays standards. People need Guidance, especially in days of indecision and unfortunate circumstances. I think all religions provide guidelines to follow so that each person can gain knowledge needed to live life to their fullest – God is Everywhere – and in your heart. There is no evil but that which has been created by man.

          ::runs n hides:::

          So, I have this antique planchette that belonged to an antique Ouija board ……..useless ……..

          As for trying a pendulum, you can use a plumb bob from any hardware store. Ask it to show you YES while it dangles above the center of your left hand. During that session, you’ve determined your YES and the opposite direction would be NO and circles is undecided or unable to answer. Have fun!! πŸ˜€


            Poems wrote:

            (I was raised and baptised Catholic but find much of what they preach to be hypocritcal and based on monetary reasons)

            I’m a recovering Catholic, too. πŸ˜‰

            *also runs and hides*


            I believe in several supernatural phenomenas, like ghosts. I also believe that it`s possible for people to leave their energy in a house and that the energy may stay there for years (a bit similar to a recording) and that the energy may affect the people living or staying in that house later emotionally. Before moving into this apartment I went to have a look at several different apartments. Some were interesting and some were less appealing. But one of them was different from the others. I felt a bit sad and slightly frightened during the short time I spent there and it didn`t take me long to conclude that there was no way I could live there. I don`t know for sure, but I think negative energy may have been left there…
            I don`t have a lot of experience with ghosts, but I`ve been to a house that obviously was haunted.

            I`ve never tried a Ouija board and I don`t think I ever will either. I don`t know if I believe that they have powers or not, but I`ve heard stuff from people I know personally and trust and what I`ve heard is frightening…


              MetalDragoness wrote:

              ………snip, snip, snip………….
              I`ve never tried a Ouija board and I don`t think I ever will either. I don`t know if I believe that they have powers or not, but I`ve heard stuff from people I know personally and trust and what I`ve heard is frightening…

              ::steps out of hiding::::

              What’s really weird, I typed up a reply to your post MetalDragoness, and it DISAPPEARED – seriously LOL Trying to recreate it now:

              You were very receptive to the energies in the apartment that you were smart enough to acknowledge and NOT rent!! If we all leave an energy-matter behind and it doesn’t get displaced or separated we may have to attach to an entity. Some would be very positive and less noticed but we get that overall good feeling that we can’t quite put our finger on while other energies are negative and we seem to notice those more. Intuition is a very good gift we all have but often ignore! All the what-ifs in life that go unanswered. As for the Ouija board, it is controlled by the people using it and if exceptionally gifted, they could get amazing results – and could get the same type of results spinning a fork on a table in the middle of a deck of cards. But some THINGS are haunted. I don’t know of any Ouija board that came alive on its own without human assist. lol Except in the move Paranormal Activity which I thought was rediculously stupid – much like Blair Witch; just good entertainment.


              I used to own a Ouija board and started using it for fun with my husband. We had some very negative experiences with it, also some pleasant ones. A knowledgeble person told us later to stop using it until we learned how to use it properly, otherwise it was like throwing open your front door and announcing to the world, “just come on in, everyone” You don’t know who is around or will pick up on the invitation and you may get some pleasant ones and can also get some really unpleasant ones that are difficult to get rid of. So rather than throwing it away, I burned it so no one else could use it. I understand my protections now, but I still won’t use it. I also have a strong belief in the spiritual world and have been led in my life to some truly remarkable awesome experiences. I also know that it isn’t “seeing is believing” but one has to believe in order to see. If one is open to the experiences, they will come. If not, they will not be seen. Some people have the gift of a strong connection with the other side and can tune in to their Source and guidance more easily than others, in the same way that some people are talented artists, singers, mechanics, etc. They often use the tools of tarot, Iching, runes, and other tools that have been used for thousands of years to “tune in”. It’s just a different way of understanding the world, like understanding where intuition comes from. Personally, I think it’s fascinating and I’m truly grateful for the path that has provided these experiences for me! I’m also careful about who I talk to about these things because I respect other people’s beliefs and can accept that they are on their own path and I don’t try to persuade them differently.


                I know this thread started out about DC’s necklace, but it truly is wonderful that this thread has progressed the way it has…. with much sharing, very open, and tolerant. I loves yous guys. (((hugs)))


                  bayoudragon wrote:

                  I know this thread started out about DC’s necklace, but it truly is wonderful that this thread has progressed the way it has…. with much sharing, very open, and tolerant. I loves yous guys. (((hugs)))

                  I totally agree. πŸ™‚


                    Poems wrote:

                    Beliefs can be so powerful, to the point of starting wars, whether over religion or simple every day habits, that they cannot be ignored. Psychics and Witches have been crucified for believing in things not seen and unknown while religious cults follow blindly in things not seen and unknown. They all have the belief in a greater power than themselves. Seems everyone is really seeking the same thing.

                    If only everyone could live Righteously!

                    Wow, really great point! Right on! πŸ™‚ The Devil is in the details-if all the people of the world looked at each other this way, we probably wouldn’t fight so much.

                    One of my teachers in high school (loved her!) she taught Word, Excel, Powerpoint-pointed out early on and ingrained in our brains ‘What three things dont we discuss in public? Politics, religion and sex!”

                    Personally I’m really enjoying this topic though. I love ghost stories! Has anyone seen that show on Animal Planet “Hauntings”? Its about people who are haunted and their animals sensing the spirit before they do, or seeing things that their owners dont. They only play it at niiiiigggghhht *waves fingers in a spooky motion* ooOoooOooOooooo


                    bayoudragon wrote:

                    I know this thread started out about DC’s necklace, but it truly is wonderful that this thread has progressed the way it has…. with much sharing, very open, and tolerant. I loves yous guys. (((hugs)))

                    I also wanted opinions on superstitions, but I love the way its going. πŸ˜€ And we loves you back.


                    That comment is wise beyond your years.
                    ***cuts out some long-ish stuff***
                    There is no evil but that which has been created by man.
                    ***cuts more long-ish stuff***
                    So, I have this antique planchette that belonged to an antique Ouija board ……..useless ……..

                    As for trying a pendulum, you can use a plumb bob from any hardware store. Ask it to show you YES while it dangles above the center of your left hand. During that session, you’ve determined your YES and the opposite direction would be NO and circles is undecided or unable to answer. Have fun!! πŸ˜€

                    Thank you. I also thank my Bible as Literature teacher, because I, for one, also kind of believed that religion was preachy and more corrupt now, and she helped me kind of be a little more open-minded. And it was more of a world history/religion class.

                    Agreed. :yes:

                    I would take that planchette. Later… πŸ˜‰

                    Thanks for the pendulum tips too! πŸ˜€

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