
Besides the Secret Keeper….

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Besides the Secret Keeper….

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      It’s nice to see what Susie looks like. I’ve been talking to her on email for so long…


        skigod377 wrote:

        Just out of curiosity…how many constitutes a “batch?”

        With SKs a batch is six or eight . I need to count them.


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          I must admit though- precious few of those people look happy πŸ™

          This was the last pic of about eight that we took.
          Everyone was ready to leave, and we said ONE MORE! That’s why the less-than-perfect expressions.
          This ended up being the only pic, because the other camera didn’t have it’s memory card in it!


            I’ll scribble everyone’s names on the pic and post it again when I get time.


            😯 Oh noooooo (about the memory card)!! I did laugh though πŸ˜€


            Melody wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            Just out of curiosity…how many constitutes a “batch?”

            With SKs a batch is six or eight . I need to count them.

            Autumn leaf Secret Keepers, I see Autumn leaf Secret Keepers

            either that or I need to adjust my meds! πŸ˜‰


            Melody wrote:

            I’ll scribble everyone’s names on the pic and post it again when I get time.

            Well just the ones that were missed. πŸ˜€


              hey you should all stop by and meet the people yourselves!!


              Dragon Master wrote:

              hey you should all stop by and meet the people yourselves!!

              I will someday unless you want to pay my way there. hehe


                dragonessjade wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                hey you should all stop by and meet the people yourselves!!

                I will someday unless you want to pay my way there. hehe

                Mine too! πŸ˜€

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                  Keplilly wrote:

                  dragonessjade wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  hey you should all stop by and meet the people yourselves!!

                  I will someday unless you want to pay my way there. hehe

                  Mine too! πŸ˜€
                  I live 5 hours away by car right now and I can not even pay my own way down there right now


                    I say this in the most NON OFFENSIVE way….but Karen (in the photo) reminds me of Jackie Conner from the show Rosanne. πŸ™‚ I LIKE THE SHOW btw, so that’s really not meant as a bad thing. I pictured Karen older though with longer hair (kinda like Melody’s)


                      I do not know how Karen would take that?? I wonder if it’s a good or bad thing that I do not think she is registered here??


                        and a reply to DDVM’s post:


                        What about doing the Secret Keeper as a “Buy Selected Things Direct”? With the understanding that the dragon would be painted after purchase and the buyer would have to wait 4-6 weeks to get the dragon? Most people who buy from artists would understand the waiting period – I once bought a piece from Hudson River Inlay that I had to wait a few months until a)it was done and b)I paid it off. (I am not suggesting a payment scheme for the SK – I realize keeping track of it would be a headache for Karen). Then you would only have to ship the piece once. The only problem would be if once they were available that way a lot of people all ordered at once but since forum members are the ones most likely to find out about them we would be patient about getting them!

                        I agree. And already just about everyone wants one in a different color. You could try a BIN of an unpainted one and the winning bidder can pick from a list of colors you think up (probably ones you know how to paint) Peacock, Emerald, White, Emerald-Peacock, Ruby, Black Gold, Gold, Brown, Rainbow. If I ever got one, I’d probably want a Rainbow, Brown, Gold or Violet Flame…depending on how each color looked on the Secret Keeper. I think the “new” peacock color (like on the lap, spectrals, old warrior, fledgling) would look beautiful on her. Anyway, there’s my suggestion. A BIN of an unpainted one, and the bidder would have to agree to wait until it was painted (4-6 or 4-8 weeks)


                          That’s a really cool idea, Wolfen! I just think some colors are probably worth more than others – the production colors versus special editions ones like flame, you know.
                          I see you got yourself a signet color too.

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