Bad red letters at top of the page

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    Oh noes! I’ll actually have to go on facebook or twitter! ack!!!

    Well, I’ll be driving for 5 hours on that day (starting about that time) anyway, so…. I shouldn’t be too terrible. Taking care of the drooling cat should distract me. lol

    Nope, no addiction at all (I’ve gone into withdrawl when I couldn’t get on as much, that and I usually check all the posts since last visit. There’s 56 this time… 😮 )


      Melody wrote:

      2Huberts wrote:

      Oh well, thanks Snap for letting us know. How long for the forum do you think? 🙄

      Everybody can talk on facebook or twitter!

      There’s the livejournal option as well!


        😮 I bet ya that Windstone came up with the idea to create a forum they did not anticipate that it would also create another form of addiction besides the scupltures themselves. XD

        I’m I right Melody?
        Did you ever think it would come to this? 🙂


          Well, if it isn’t up by the time I go to work, I can’t access Facebook from there. I can get livejournal though (I just read the twitter site… I don’t have an account there).


            Looks like the forum is back right now, but it sure looks different in the default style. Can’t wait for an explanation of all the new features.


              It’s blowin’ my mind =0 @ the strangeness

              I guess making comments on it’s current state are not allowed. >.>; @ Snap’s message


              Okay, I don’t think I like this new set up one bit. First I can no longer just hit, view posts since last visit. I am not going to be able to find a damn thing now! The old set up was so much better, why did we change to this POS?



                Kyrin wrote:

                Okay, I don’t think I like this new set up one bit. First I can no longer just hit, view posts since last visit. I am not going to be able to find a damn thing now! The old set up was so much better, why did we change to this POS?


                Gah. O snap, Snap will freak out. >.> He says this is just the basic format, and that he’ll “fix” everything. Didn’t you read his “READ THIS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!” thread? @.@

                He’s going to :spank: !

                But I don’t think it’s fair to expect us not to piss and moan, really. D: That would happen on any forum. Heck, on Gaia, all they have to do is introduce one new item, or change one tiny button/link, and there are fifty threads by people cursing its existence/the change, lol…

                In this case, it’s at least nothing personal. c.c


                  Kyrin wrote:

                  I can no longer just hit, view posts since last visit.

                  If you click on “View new posts”, I think it’s the equivalent of “Posts since last visit”.

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    phpbb has a default, but Snap is also doing upgrades on a few other forums at the same time. Formatting will change, but it takes time. So, it’s the question of whether you want the forum down for several days while formatting and upgrades are complete or up and useable in a few hours with tweaking coming within the next few days. 🙂

                    Will it be different and take some getting used to? Yes. I remember when the JET forum I was on changed. We started out on YahooGroups, then we created a forum and got a website, then it was upgraded to phpbb. Balking occurred in the initial month when the phpbb occurred, but things settled out and it was a thing of the past (has some updated features). Took a short time to get kinks and formatting corrected, but the dust settled quickly.


                    kitsunelady wrote:

                    Kyrin wrote:

                    Okay, I don’t think I like this new set up one bit. First I can no longer just hit, view posts since last visit. I am not going to be able to find a damn thing now! The old set up was so much better, why did we change to this POS?


                    Gah. O snap, Snap will freak out. >.> He says this is just the basic format, and that he’ll “fix” everything. Didn’t you read his “READ THIS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!” thread? @.@

                    He’s going to :spank: !

                    But I don’t think it’s fair to expect us not to piss and moan, really. D: That would happen on any forum. Heck, on Gaia, all they have to do is introduce one new item, or change one tiny button/link, and there are fifty threads by people cursing its existence/the change, lol…

                    In this case, it’s at least nothing personal. c.c

                    I think it’s fair that we don’t piss and moan. He gave us advance warning, and he’s still working on fixing the site, this is just a step between. He could have just kept the whole thing offline and gotten it fixed completely, but he’s given us a temporary playground knowing how addicted we are to each other and this forum. People just expect things to be instant and perfect and they aren’t. Patience people 🙂


                      Leigha wrote:

                      kitsunelady wrote:

                      Kyrin wrote:

                      Okay, I don’t think I like this new set up one bit. First I can no longer just hit, view posts since last visit. I am not going to be able to find a damn thing now! The old set up was so much better, why did we change to this POS?


                      Gah. O snap, Snap will freak out. >.> He says this is just the basic format, and that he’ll “fix” everything. Didn’t you read his “READ THIS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING!” thread? @.@

                      He’s going to :spank: !

                      But I don’t think it’s fair to expect us not to piss and moan, really. D: That would happen on any forum. Heck, on Gaia, all they have to do is introduce one new item, or change one tiny button/link, and there are fifty threads by people cursing its existence/the change, lol…

                      In this case, it’s at least nothing personal. c.c

                      I think it’s fair that we don’t piss and moan. He gave us advance warning, and he’s still working on fixing the site, this is just a step between. He could have just kept the whole thing offline and gotten it fixed completely, but he’s given us a temporary playground knowing how addicted we are to each other and this forum. People just expect things to be instant and perfect and they aren’t. Patience people 🙂

                      What I meant was, he might as well not have bothered to even tell the forum not to, because it was going to happen no matter what he said. >.> I wasn’t saying that we should just have a free-for-all piss-and-moan-fest, just that some b****ing was going to occur, so…why even bother asking people not to? That never works, even on such a polite forum as this one.


                      I’d say it works to a point. I agree, there’s always going to be b****ing and moaning. You can’t please everyone and it’s impossible to try (hear that Snap! <3) But giving us a warning that this was happening and telling us there's no use complaining because things are getting fixed slowly but surely is atleast helpful to some.
                      It was helpful to me, otherwise I’d be like “this blue screen sucks…” 😀


                        Leigha wrote:

                        I’d say it works to a point. I agree, there’s always going to be b****ing and moaning. You can’t please everyone and it’s impossible to try (hear that Snap! <3) But giving us a warning that this was happening and telling us there's no use complaining because things are getting fixed slowly but surely is atleast helpful to some.
                        It was helpful to me, otherwise I’d be like “this blue screen sucks…” 😀

                        True, true. Although I thought “white” instead of “blue”. Hur hur.


                          Hey, but all the smilies look right now! The white backgrounds on them, against the black of the forum, always kind of bugged me. 😛

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