Baby Griffin on Ebay

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      Phoenix wrote:

      So it’s not only me!
      When will the new episodes come out???
      The last I saw was Kiara healed the avatar after Zucho went bad again and they flew off on Abba?
      Was that the last one?
      I was thinking Zucho was going to be the Firebender teacher to Ang. I guess I was wrong?

      The last episode had them all split up. Kitara had stayed with the Earth King, Soka went to help his father, Aang flew off on Appa to train the monk at the air temple and Toff was captured by the bounty hunters her parents sent after her.


        well not to damped anyone spirit but to DRAG this topic back on line.
        Drag0n I do not blame you for anything you have to do to survive. I have been thinking lately about having to do the same thing. I’m totally BROKE and have a ton of bills to pay. I wish I could make a quick $600 or so from my curls and replace them when available but with my luck I would jsut get enough to cover what I paid for them.
        As for the issue with your mom. I KNOW exactly how you feel. I got the same sort of treatment from the JERK *yes I want to use a MUCH stronger word here* I had to call Dad for the first 20 years of my life. I can not stand the JERK! We have not spoken in the last 20 years and he had tried to get in touch with me a couple times but I can’t even bring myself to say anything to him. I was actually told by him that if I did not go to college and get that diploma or join the military and learn a trade I would NEVER amount to anything. To appease him I took the militarty entrance exam and scored so high I was told I could go into any field I wanted to. It’s been 20 years and I can not remember my lowest score but my recruiter told me I could even go into that field. Right before I was going to see if my eye would prevent me from entering the military (I was born with what they have called a SPOT in my right eye, it has been described as a burn mark on the back of my eye, birth defect I can do nothing about) I ended up breaking my hand and was in a cast for 6 weeks. it took me many years to get a job that pays what this on does but if I can do it ANYOONE can. I did ge to talk to him and tell him how much I make per year and it felt GREAT.
        Too bad you are going thru this but I know something will work out for you soon


          kirin wrote:

          Dunno, maybe its someone from windstone selling one perhaps, though i doubt it.



            Dragon Master wrote:

            well not to damped anyone spirit but to DRAG this topic back on line.
            Drag0n I do not blame you for anything you have to do to survive. I have been thinking lately about having to do the same thing. I’m totally BROKE and have a ton of bills to pay. I wish I could make a quick $600 or so from my curls and replace them when available but with my luck I would jsut get enough to cover what I paid for them.
            As for the issue with your mom. I KNOW exactly how you feel. I got the same sort of treatment from the JERK *yes I want to use a MUCH stronger word here* I had to call Dad for the first 20 years of my life. I can not stand the JERK! We have not spoken in the last 20 years and he had tried to get in touch with me a couple times but I can’t even bring myself to say anything to him. I was actually told by him that if I did not go to college and get that diploma or join the military and learn a trade I would NEVER amount to anything. To appease him I took the militarty entrance exam and scored so high I was told I could go into any field I wanted to. It’s been 20 years and I can not remember my lowest score but my recruiter told me I could even go into that field. Right before I was going to see if my eye would prevent me from entering the military (I was born with what they have called a SPOT in my right eye, it has been described as a burn mark on the back of my eye, birth defect I can do nothing about) I ended up breaking my hand and was in a cast for 6 weeks. it took me many years to get a job that pays what this on does but if I can do it ANYOONE can. I did ge to talk to him and tell him how much I make per year and it felt GREAT.
            Too bad you are going thru this but I know something will work out for you soon

            Back on line and right back off!!


              starbreeze wrote:

              Phoenix wrote:

              So it’s not only me!
              When will the new episodes come out???
              The last I saw was Kiara healed the avatar after Zucho went bad again and they flew off on Abba?
              Was that the last one?
              I was thinking Zucho was going to be the Firebender teacher to Ang. I guess I was wrong?

              The last episode had them all split up. Kitara had stayed with the Earth King, Soka went to help his father, Aang flew off on Appa to train the monk at the air temple and Toff was captured by the bounty hunters her parents sent after her.

              And back off. Star, there’s another episode you haven’t seen. Ang went to see the guru to learn how to control the avatar state…


                skigod377 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                well not to damped anyone spirit but to DRAG this topic back on line.
                Drag0n I do not blame you for anything you have to do to survive. I have been thinking lately about having to do the same thing. I’m totally BROKE and have a ton of bills to pay. I wish I could make a quick $600 or so from my curls and replace them when available but with my luck I would jsut get enough to cover what I paid for them.
                As for the issue with your mom. I KNOW exactly how you feel. I got the same sort of treatment from the JERK *yes I want to use a MUCH stronger word here* I had to call Dad for the first 20 years of my life. I can not stand the JERK! We have not spoken in the last 20 years and he had tried to get in touch with me a couple times but I can’t even bring myself to say anything to him. I was actually told by him that if I did not go to college and get that diploma or join the military and learn a trade I would NEVER amount to anything. To appease him I took the militarty entrance exam and scored so high I was told I could go into any field I wanted to. It’s been 20 years and I can not remember my lowest score but my recruiter told me I could even go into that field. Right before I was going to see if my eye would prevent me from entering the military (I was born with what they have called a SPOT in my right eye, it has been described as a burn mark on the back of my eye, birth defect I can do nothing about) I ended up breaking my hand and was in a cast for 6 weeks. it took me many years to get a job that pays what this on does but if I can do it ANYOONE can. I did ge to talk to him and tell him how much I make per year and it felt GREAT.
                Too bad you are going thru this but I know something will work out for you soon

                Back on line and right back off!!

                I’m sorry you had to go through that DM, sounds like you had one of those “All American” kind of dads. That must have beena great feeling though throwing those numbers in his face =) If I ever did that, my mother would just find some way to weasle the money out of me 😆

                Ski, are you mad or something?

                Got a busted Windstone?
                *OPEN for repairs*

                *SEEKING GRAILS*
                Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                Siphlophis Male Dragon
                Calypso Hatching Empress
                Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                Tattoo Mother Kirin
                Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                I think she was doing a play on words with DM’s drag queen past… That’s the way I understood it. 😉


                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                  Ski, are you mad or something?

                  About DMs post? No…. I just thought it was funny that he said he was putting the thread back on topic and then went right back off again in the same paragraph. 😆 Guess I should have used the laughy emoticon…


                  My 2 cents. I don’t have the greatest parents either. My mom can be like yours drag0n espically when I was younger. My father tries to be a good parent and calls me every week. But he is one of those that sometimes I don’t understand his sense of humor and can be really boring to talk to sometimes. I guess I could have worse parents. I am sorry that there couldn’t be better parents out there. This world would benefit from it. It doesn’t matter to me if someone sees a oppurtinty and goes after it like you did drag0n. You gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways, hopefully it will be better and remember they are the only parents you have even if they do horrible things or make mistakes. 🙂


                    well the good part for me is I was adopted so at least I do not have a real family connection. I can truly say I’m not related to any of them


                      I wish I could say that DM! LOL! I can’t believe I have any connection with her.

                      Thanks dragoness =) From what my older brothers & sister tell me my dad was great. Strict but just a great guy all around. he would do anything for anyone. If he was still around I can bet my life would be a whole lot different, but he had a heart attack 2 weeks before I turned 5 years old and I don’t remember too much about him. I do remember him letting me throw baby power in his face all the time. I thought it was hysterical.

                      It’s not like my mother beat me or really did anything to physical to me. I got a few “beatings”, but I deserved every one of them. LOL! One time my sister and I shut all the power off in the ceramic factory and when I tell you that place is PITCH BLACK! We laid all the chairs down on the floor while she was in the bathroom and made bets with our friends on how long it would take her to get out of the building. She broke so many ceramics! hahaha! It was so funny. It took like 45 minutes because it’s about 20,000 square feet! XD

                      It was more of an emotional thing. Always being told you were good for nothing and would never amount to anything. That even though your father left you money and wanted you to go to school and becaome something, the money would be wasted because it’s not wheather or not you go to school it’s who you sleep with. That money is to put a roof over your head while I spent 90% of my childhood sleeping at my mom’s tenants house nextdoor cause she was at the casino, & then being sent home from school cause I had lice because she was basically a slum lord & the place I slept was a completly disgusting. That’s why we all rent from her now because we actually maintain the property and fix things ourselves. Nobody else was allowed to rent because it was declared uninhabitable. Since we are related and have no leases it’s legal. We installed new heat, painted the house twice, recarpeted, resheatrocked & tiles & basically redid the entire house because it was a crap shack when we moved here. Now she’s selling it because it’s nice when WE were the ones who put all the money into it and made it a property with almost a million dollars……….okay…….I’m getting off track again. LOL! I hope she chokes on her money when she sells this place. All we want to do is move out and stick her with the rent, but she’ll just move over here and sell her apartment building instead. She’ll end up coming out of everything with more money then she can count like she always does. No doubt in my mind.

                      Got a busted Windstone?
                      *OPEN for repairs*

                      *SEEKING GRAILS*
                      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                      Siphlophis Male Dragon
                      Calypso Hatching Empress
                      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                      Tattoo Mother Kirin
                      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                      is there anyway you can prove you put the money and the work into it and get recompensation for it? or sue for it? that is a pretty sh*tty deal.

                      what goes around comes around. when she is no longer able to make or get money, she will not have relatives to relie on.


                        My sister and I always joke about bringing her to “moral court” 😆

                        Got a busted Windstone?
                        *OPEN for repairs*

                        *SEEKING GRAILS*
                        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                        Siphlophis Male Dragon
                        Calypso Hatching Empress
                        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                        Tattoo Mother Kirin
                        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                          drag0nfeathers wrote:

                          My sister and I always joke about bringing her to “moral court” 😆

                          I wish there was such a thing


                            Phoenix wrote:

                            I hope your chick sells Dragon.

                            I was wondering if anyone has asked Melody how she feels about the whole reselling thing.
                            If it were me (being the mean one) I would be sitting back and thinking, I should raise my prices. I mean if I was selling something for 60.00 and found people were more than willing to pay 100.00 (or 200.00), I would sure as heck think about raising my prices. Of course, I am not as nice as Melody, so who knows. It just seems like a slap to me. If you were to calculate the batch of 25 chicks. That would have been 1K more in Melody’s pocket if she would have charged 100.00.

                            I know Windstone as a company is super super, beyond nice, but if they start seeing people buying their product just to resell on ebay within a month of offering the piece, it’s going to become evident they need to raise their prices.

                            I am not pointing at anyone in particular, but between the curlies and the chicks, it’s becoming more of a practice.

                            I don’t really want to get slammed here, though I know I probably will. I just think it starts to get totally unfair to Windstone if this becomes a habit and we will all pay in the end.

                            I’m entering this really late, but I wanted to make a point. (Hope somebody else hasn’t made it already, I kind of skimmed this thread and I may have missed something!)

                            The thing with that is that sure, one or two people will pay $200 for a chick. Maybe, if they sold them all at $200 they’d find, over all, 100 people who’d buy one at that price. That is a fair bit of money. (20,000 if I’m doing my math right.)

                            But I wouldn’t buy one for $200. I might maaaaaaaaybe buy one for $100. But I just did buy one for $60! And I bet I could find more than 100 people who would buy one for $60. A LOT more than 100 people. And you only have to find 334 people willing to buy one to make more than 20,000 selling them at $60 each.

                            That’s the reason Windstone’s prices are what they are. The higher they get the more the get per item, but the fewer items they sell. The lower they go the less they get per item, but the more of them they sell. Simple economics. There’s a perfect point, at which the you make the most money, by selling a certain number at a certain price, too expensive you won’t sell enough, too cheap you won’t make enough per. And Melody and the folks at Windstone know a lot more about the economics of selling these than we do, so I’m pretty sure they’ve taken this into account.

                            So while it might suck for the person who pays $200, when they might have waited and gotten it for $60, and maybe Windstone could get more money per item at times, I don’t really think that people selling things for a ridiculous price on ebay is going to cause Windstone to raise their prices. If they did they’d be hurting their business more than helping it.

                          Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 143 total)
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