Baby Griffin on Ebay

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  • #549590

      nessiemom wrote:

      Oooo… Hey ski… If you happen to get another nibble, send it my way, would you?!

      Yes indeed. 🙂


        Griffiness wrote:

        Arlla do you know how much shipping would be to England?

        No clue! But I don’t THINK it would be more than $25… don’t quote me on that or anything…just guessing… I’ve sent stuff to Germany and Australia before, and it wasn’t as much money as I thought it would be.

        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          skigod377 wrote:

          Dont worry Arlla… I have to sell one of mine too. I found a FLAME OW!!! I cant pass it up….even for griffin chicks.

          WOW lucky you!!
          BTW any news yet on the Secret?


          Thanks Arlla, im not quite as far away as Germany and aussie 😀


            Dragon Master wrote:

            WOW locky you!!
            BTW any news yet on the Secret?

            Thanks! I just paid for it and it is on its way! No news on the secret, yet, but it should be here next week. Its in the same box as the femals griffin, so they probably had to build a special crate for her big…ahem… Butt.


              😆 😆 😆


                skigod377 wrote:

                Dragon Master wrote:

                WOW locky you!!
                BTW any news yet on the Secret?

                Thanks! I just paid for it and it is on its way! No news on the secret, yet, but it should be here next week. Its in the same box as the femals griffin, so they probably had to build a special crate for her big…ahem… Butt.

                LOL!!! I can’t wait for you to post about it!!


                OH MY GOD! You must be thrilled! Its already over 200! Guess some people don’t know about pre-ordering! Ekkk! But horray for you!!!


                  For real!!


                  Dang, that thing is going higher and higher by the second. Congrats.


                  Arlla wrote:

                  Griffiness wrote:

                  Arlla do you know how much shipping would be to England?

                  No clue! But I don’t THINK it would be more than $25… don’t quote me on that or anything…just guessing… I’ve sent stuff to Germany and Australia before, and it wasn’t as much money as I thought it would be.

                  you can get a quote from usps at this web site:


                    SWEET. 😯 This is so awesome…I can REEEAAALLY use this money right now.

                    Well, I did mention that Melody will be making more… I’m hoping the high bidder is willing to pay this much because they want it NOW…

                    "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                    -J R R Tolkien


                    Arlla wrote:

                    SWEET. 😯 This is so awesome…I can REEEAAALLY use this money right now.

                    Well, I did mention that Melody will be making more… I’m hoping the high bidder is willing to pay this much because they want it NOW…
                    Well, if the bidder didn’t read the auction listing its their own fault…you were very upfront and clear about that… 🙂


                    Yep. I hope they do pay you and aren’t a certain buyer.


                      drag0nfeathers wrote:

                      Yea, I’m going to be posting on as well, possibly 2 depending on a few circumstances.

                      Dang Drag0n. Just saw your auction. $199 BIN? No starting bid? Kinda expensive, aren’t ya?? 😆

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