Yay … pre-order information for the AWD Mother Hippogriffs is on the Windstone Editions website main page!
Note – If you need to find the wait list button to pre-order one, click on “Windstone Editions” at the top of this page.
From the sign-up information:
This Waitlist will tell Melody how many she should paint! When Melody finishes painting them, we will email the people on the waitlist in a way that will give everyone a fair chance to buy one. Be sure to read the instructions in that email when you receive it. These will be one per customer, even if you join the waitlist more than once.
This is a Grab Bag edition of Hippogriff Mares painted by Melody Peña in African wild dog colors. All are African wild dog colors and patterns, but each one is unique! These Hippogriffs will have a variety of natural-looking eye colors and be signed by Melody. They are 11 inches long and about 6 inches tall.