artworks (heavy image spam)novel illustration

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      thanks all 🙂
      I will scetch… as soon as I get time :/
      anyhow, here is the semi colored stage, it still awaits more antiqueing aswell some staining of the cover has been done but water reflects the light so I have to wait until it dries… *waits waits waits*
      thats the annoying part on traditional art: you have to wait.


      But it looks so much more real and it’s tangible afterwards. 😉


        hehe, right 🙂
        I may make a second one, over a real book. I actually wanted to make it a dragon first but decided that my dragon logo would just be… never let me sleep this week *g*
        I’m here at school and annoyed I could not take it with me…


        I do wonder how one of your dragons in relief would look! 😯


          please!stop saying that! I need sleep! if you go on I may brainfart and decide to skip sleep and try it… dont tempt me, I am in creativ-fart mode!
          *hides all her tools*

          I already am extremly tempted, but I have no suitable “book”



          Do it, Aky… 😈


            DO it! 😈


              heyheyheyhey girls, I need my beauty sleep!
              okay there’s nothin much to be done there but if I fall asleep in the museum and tumble over a vitrine…
              mhmm… but for a dragon book… lemme think over the plus…


                fin, cant quite be seen, but the splotches are new and some minor details on the gold has been changed. Didnt get around picturing those details yet. Want to sketch in it first.
                here you can see how the sketchbook tightly fits in the cover

                plotting on the dragon idea, but may not get to do it soonish… *stares tight scedule*


                That books looks great. Once I finish filling my current sketchbook, can I commission one of those from you?


                Those are neat. I love the colors on them.


                  sure Basil 😉 though take your time, i dont know how soon I may have time for commisses again :/
                  here’s one more artpiece for the artshow on thursday. This is Managarm, son of Fenrir, eating the moon and splattering blood across the sun and therefore opening the age of wolves, darkness on earth.
                  Norse mythology of the futuristic end of earth, Ragnarök. This legend can vary depending on source, but there is definitly moon-eating involved 😉
                  painting is watercolors on A2, using only red and black aswell a tiiiny bit of cyan for the moon.
                  beware, there is blood involved:

                  though wit enough imagination it looks like a happy McD visitor 😉


                  I love! 😀


                  Wow, I like the expression…it is really intense.


                    thanks all!

                    next one is NOT made by me, except for the design, but I had to show it because its so much happiness. Its my Pendant, my Logo, cast in silver with reeeall ruuuuhhbies. Made in the Philippines.



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