artworks (heavy image spam)novel illustration

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      just quickly updating, trying to do a split between school and freelance. I promised I’d list him, here he is:

      glehhh… g-nite
      *drops in bed*


        You’re very talented…I love your little creatures! πŸ˜€


        Good luck selling, Aky.


          Akeyla wrote:

          keeping my brains sane during school lessons. These were done in those 8 hours of sitting on a wood chair whilest balancing my papers on one knee. To give you the appropriate back-ache feeling when looking at them.
          I feel totally dead now, but atleast looking at these makes me feel productive

          Coloring Books, Aky, we neeeeeeeed coloring books!

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€


            Ditto! I would love a coloring book!
            Your art is so wonderful!
            I love that unicorn. He looks so sad though πŸ˜₯
            Your perspectives are always so right on!



              I’ll be workin at it πŸ™‚ (srsly, I already found a printer πŸ™‚ but its still a loooong way)

              anyhow, I arted some more.

              First of all, these are concept artworks of architekture for my novel. Who would have ever thought I’d do something like this, me the least. But it was fun and I need it to visualize.
              These are the architectures of the first nine chapters (with 1-4 still being maninly in “our” world)

              interior of one of the room(or appartments)

              overview of the main halls and the downworld, the place where the water is is also where these illustrations belong:

              and where this one lives:

              councels place, the inside of the “dome” can be more or less directly reached by boat from the ocean. or sea serpent back, whatever πŸ˜‰
              The mask is for the so called “Megas”, also known as lifeguardesses (lol) of the matriarch, they usually put them on when things turn bad, as in executions being done (which they do with that cutty spear thing).

              the European “housing” of my cathumans. They live in your average more dense forest (the novel speaks of only one of these, more existing is possible but not likely). Encounters are rare, and if they happen often deadly.
              The idea of burying a “human” house seemed adequate to me considering the position of humans in a cathumans way of thinking and their own culture.

              and then something more entertaining:

              bighead doe and her litter


              and the 3 golden corns, my first mouse after a loooooong time

              the scanner hates me and my colors. All of these have subtle bright nuances of beautiful colors. To get the main colorations out I had to kick photoshop so hard he ruined some nice parts like the sky of the mouse aceo. darn.

              anyhow, back to school
              my god, i am still goin to school

              edit: Lungh horses been added:


              The lungh horses are cool. I really like your architectural ideas too. Keep ’em coming.


                The concept sketches for your novel are great! I definitely want to see more.


                  (copy paste from my LJ caus I’m lazy πŸ˜‰ )

                  Gobo, Gorgon muscle and body studies. If you know this creature more you will notice the subtle changes I made on him. I feel I am getting closer to the creature I actually picture, and most of all, to the very character behind it. Ok this isnt hard as in the narration he is the last of his kind.

                  Kiaren. This creature made its appearance in the novel in the very early 2000. It has hence been unchanged , its new design is basically the same but has some addings here and there. This creature is used as a mount for its extreme jaw that can bite… well, all. In the novel it has a chameleon skin that makes it close to invisible, its tongue and eye however glow white. In freedom this creature minds little to nothing about its surrounding, it eats plants and fruits and sukcs juices from trees and is fully harmless. Guards use the Kiaren to patrol the dense forrest. Their footstep is as unnoticeable as their chameleon hide.

                  Salticana, a canine creature used to travel up ground over the landscape. Salticans can jump and cling to nearly everything. No Saltican has ever fallen from the sky. They are valued for their jumping skills and their quick pace. In freedom they travel in little herds, their snowy hide blends with the sky. They eat Jackbirds and other avians and lizards and are sweet beings, despite their fierce appearance. It is often said that Salticans have the heart of a labrador.
                  They have two sets of eyes, the second one is more focused on heat. Salticans dont see color.


                    Wow!!! You’re creating quite a world in that head of yours!!! I love all the new art, it’s spectacular and fascinating to look at!


                    I find the salticana’s quite cute…. πŸ˜€ They remind me of a cross between a dog and a kangaroo… πŸ˜†

                    You’re world in this book is so fascinating! I love the sketches (and am seriously envious of your drawing talents….)!


                    Neeeeat. Let’s see more critters!


                      WOW..I LOVE the Goldchild colores sketch, that is awsome and the Lungh horses…I wish I could get a Lungh horse is a statue…that would be amaizing… πŸ˜‰


                        thanks all for the comments πŸ˜‰
                        I must admit that I was in serious selfdoubting phase the past months with my novel, I was afraid my ideas would not be taken for “real” “good” whatever. I believe that the fear of going to a real publisher and having someone else read it and perhaps reject it was very big. Is still big.
                        I did have an email exchange a while ago with Gensen (Ginsen) who did the sculptures for Khaosdog and KayFeda because I have been plotting with the idea to have a sculpture made for my novel (casted from my own sculpture) specifically for my beta readers and supporters, and the idea was to either have a cathuman on a LUngh horse ( or one of Francesca (the girl beside the Lungh) and Gobo (the dragon)
                        If I had the funds I’d instantly do both. But alas I am stuck reading Focault for the next two years and going to school πŸ˜‰ lol


                          Oh, I LOVE the Lungh! I’d love one of him in my yard (or on my desk… hehe). The Salticana are kewl too! πŸ˜€ I love your little world. πŸ˜€

                          I had one too (mostly anthropomorphic, with some oddities) but I think I destroyed all but one notebook… it was for stress getting through school and meant just for me…. Definitely not as detailed (it was quick sketches and stuff), but it did the trick.

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