ARGH! trying to find peacocks…

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      ooohh Vantid, must you tease us like that, knowing Melody doesn’t have a camera! But if you’re able to get a picture of that by some means, I’d (and I think others ;)) would love to see it! Are they dark like the family or light like the fledgling, lap and spectral?

      Also-have you run across any baby ruby orientals while in the factory? I’ve got one back ordered by Enchantments. I’m hoping there will be at least a few more *crosses fingers*


        SPark wrote:

        SilverArrow wrote:

        SPark wrote:

        Gah. The people at my local place don’t know what they’re talking about, and they act like they do! They told me ALL of the sitting spectrals, peacock included, were retired when the rising spectral came out.

        Which is silly, given that the sitting spectral in peacock was obviously available from the factory until just now.

        Who did you talk to? There is a guy with a beard that is usually there. He really doesn’t know, nor care about Windstones that much (but thinks he does). Then there is a woman with brown hair who actually does the ordering from the factory and she is very knowledgable and gives great customer service. I would only do business with her, if I knew when she worked.

        She’s the one I talked to, and she was very nice. (I have spoken to the guy before, he obviously didn’t care one bit.)

        Anyhow, she was nice, and she knew a fair number of things, but she INSISTED that the sitting spectrals had been retired for ages, and she also INSISTED that Windstone hadn’t chosen the next new color yet, that they had no idea what it was going to be. And I’m all… “Er, no it’s this emerald-peacock thing, they’re just deciding on a name, you see,” and she kept telling me that no, they hadn’t decided on the new color at all.

        It wasn’t really that bad, or anything, it was just kind of annoying to be told I didn’t know what I was talking about, when I’m pretty sure I do.

        Sorry to hear that. It seems shop owners sure get stubborn about those things. They just need to realize they are not the only ones getting “inside information” so to speak. 😕


          Well, I lucked out! I ordered a peacock OW from Enchanted Knights (a store I heard about here) and finally got it today. I’m lucky for two reasons – He was sent just in his Windstone box, and two corners were completely cumpled, but thankfully he’s completely intact. That’s the second OW I’ve gotten shipped just in their own boxes…Gotta love those shaped cardboard inserts!!
          Second lucky – he’s BEAUTIFUL!! 😀 His blues and greens and purples are all deep and vibrant. I LOVE him. ^_^ Which makes him the first peacock I’ve really honestly liked. YAY!

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          Cool, Arlla! Care to post a pic so we can see the peacock?


            Yes yes, congrats Arlla!
            Does he look anything like this guy?
            If so, man you are LUCKY!


            Is that one yours, Wolfen? He’s gorgeous!


              Congrats Arlla!


                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Is that one yours, Wolfen? He’s gorgeous!

                No, he’s from a website 🙁 I dont have him yet. I’m wondering if the one this site has looks just like that, or the photo was doctored


                Which website?


                  I don’t think the pics doctored the lap dragon we got in looks like that lots of green & purple…really pretty Oh & the scratchers look great too.


                    enchantments wrote:

                    I don’t think the pics doctored the lap dragon we got in looks like that lots of green & purple…really pretty Oh & the scratchers look great too.

                    Well that’s good to hear! I really want one too, and if he is dull looking, I’d probably return him 🙁

                    C’mon Arlla, I wanna see your prettie draggie too! 😀


                      WolfenMachine wrote:

                      Yes yes, congrats Arlla!
                      Does he look anything like this guy?
                      If so, man you are LUCKY!

                      Wolfen – YES!!! 😀 He looks pretty much EXACTLY like that! I was gasped when I opened the box…I was so afraid that I was going to get stuck with an ugly grimey looking peacock that I hated! Because they never really look like they do in the pretty pictures, at least in my experience…but happily, this time I was wrong! ^_^ I’ll post an actual pic of him soon – I’m getting two more OWs and I want to take pictures of them all together too.

                      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                      -J R R Tolkien


                      If he looks like that picture, you’ve got a gorgeous OW, Arlla. Which other colors of OW are still coming to you?


                        Arlla pasted on the Peacock lap so I have 1 left here is a pic

                        It looks alot better in person, with lots of greens and purples!


                          enchantments wrote:

                          Arlla pasted on the Peacock lap so I have 1 left. It looks alot better in person, with lots of greens and purples!

                          If only I had the money or the space. That looks so pretty!

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