ARGH! trying to find peacocks…

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      I just spent an hour calling every store on the Windstone dealers list within 120 miles of me to see if they have anything peacock in stock….

      MORE THAN HALF the stores I called off this list said they don’t carry Windstone anything anymore. Some said they never did.

      Out of the rest I found 1 place that has a scratcher and a hatching empress, and it’s about an hour and a half away. 🙁 All I want to do is see an old warrior in person!!

      Also – several of the stores I’ve talked to said that the peacocks are retired (I know) and that they can’t order them anymore (huh??) – is this true?? Last I heard, the factory still had plenty in stock to ship to dealers until they run out…they can’t have run out already??

      EDIT: Though I have to say I LOVE the Tinderbox here in SD…they’re going to order an OW for me in peacock and if I don’t like it I don’t have to buy it. SWEET! ^_^ At least I hope they can order it – maybe the other stores that said they couldn’t were lying…

      "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
      -J R R Tolkien


        "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
        -J R R Tolkien


          See Bella’s response on this thread:

          So apparently, some of the Peacocks are indeed no longer in stock at the Factory. Karen could confirm but I don’t see any reason why Bella would have misinformation.

          Re: more than half the stores not carrying Windstone anymore… this is a big problem all across the nation. 🙁 A reminder for the new board members, if you give Windstone a lead on a new retail store for selling Windstone pieces and they start carrying them, you can get a free Windstone piece from the factory! It’d really help them out a lot! 🙂

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
          My art:


          Did you try Astral Castle?


          I think Arlla wants to actually see it in person before she buys it, because there’s so much color variation between pieces…


            DANG!! That means the tinder box won’t be able to get an OW for me then…Thanks for pointing me to that thread, though. ;_;

            "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
            -J R R Tolkien


              Yes, if you’re frustrated about local stores not having Windstones, I highly reccomend going around and recruiting! After three or four tries I finally got one new store to pick up Windstones, which is how I managed to get my Birman Flapcat.

              All I did was mention to the store how much I loved Windstones, and gushed a bit about how much higher quality they are than any other fantasy art out there, and then took down the store’s contact information and sent that to the folks at the factory.


                SPark wrote:

                Yes, if you’re frustrated about local stores not having Windstones, I highly reccomend going around and recruiting! After three or four tries I finally got one new store to pick up Windstones, which is how I managed to get my Birman Flapcat.

                All I did was mention to the store how much I loved Windstones, and gushed a bit about how much higher quality they are than any other fantasy art out there, and then took down the store’s contact information and sent that to the folks at the factory.

                Believe me, I HAVE tried…There have been about 4 days when I just made the whole day all about looking for potential Windstone dealers. I’ve got a little folder full of flyers and catalogue I made myself to show the various pieces…I gush and gush about how much I love them and want more stores to sell them than the ONE that does…but so far it’s gotten me no where. 🙁 There was even a store that sells garden decore that would have been PERFECT for the rock dragon; they even acted really interested. But no…

                "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
                -J R R Tolkien


                  Its sometimes hard to find a place that looks like they would even think about carrying them. There aren’t really any “hippie” stores around here.

                  But! If anyone wants a mother dragon, I saw a *GORGEOUS* NOT dusty, NOT washed out, bright, amazing peacock mother dragon. I already have her, so I don’t remember the price, but the store’s prices on the few other Windstones they had were fair, so she was probably about $100. …if anyone is interested 🙂
                  She is so pretty, I was really considering selling mine and buying that one.


                    Arlla wrote:

                    I just spent an hour calling every store on the Windstone dealers list within 120 miles of me to see if they have anything peacock in stock….

                    Also – several of the stores I’ve talked to said that the peacocks are retired (I know) and that they can’t order them anymore (huh??) – is this true?? Last I heard, the factory still had plenty in stock to ship to dealers until they run out…they can’t have run out already??

                    EDIT: Though I have to say I LOVE the Tinderbox here in SD…they’re going to order an OW for me in peacock and if I don’t like it I don’t have to buy it. SWEET! ^_^ At least I hope they can order it – maybe the other stores that said they couldn’t were lying…

                    The Windstone warehouse is out of the OW in peacock, as well as many others. Susie said they went fast. I managed to get a few and I won’t raise my prices until after Christmas. Check out my web site if you wish to see what I have. It’s up to date, but I’m waiting for the Sitting Spectral and Hatching Empress that I ordered, and the Rainbow Young Dragon is on its way too. I couldn’t get a OW though, already gone.


                      Gah. The people at my local place don’t know what they’re talking about, and they act like they do! They told me ALL of the sitting spectrals, peacock included, were retired when the rising spectral came out.

                      Which is silly, given that the sitting spectral in peacock was obviously available from the factory until just now.


                        SPark wrote:

                        Gah. The people at my local place don’t know what they’re talking about, and they act like they do! They told me ALL of the sitting spectrals, peacock included, were retired when the rising spectral came out.

                        Which is silly, given that the sitting spectral in peacock was obviously available from the factory until just now.

                        Who did you talk to? There is a guy with a beard that is usually there. He really doesn’t know, nor care about Windstones that much (but thinks he does). Then there is a woman with brown hair who actually does the ordering from the factory and she is very knowledgable and gives great customer service. I would only do business with her, if I knew when she worked.


                          I was able to get one extra scratcher in peacock and one fledgling in rainbow but that’s it. 😥 Oh & these are the extras not what anyone ordered so that’s good 😀


                            SilverArrow wrote:

                            SPark wrote:

                            Gah. The people at my local place don’t know what they’re talking about, and they act like they do! They told me ALL of the sitting spectrals, peacock included, were retired when the rising spectral came out.

                            Which is silly, given that the sitting spectral in peacock was obviously available from the factory until just now.

                            Who did you talk to? There is a guy with a beard that is usually there. He really doesn’t know, nor care about Windstones that much (but thinks he does). Then there is a woman with brown hair who actually does the ordering from the factory and she is very knowledgable and gives great customer service. I would only do business with her, if I knew when she worked.

                            She’s the one I talked to, and she was very nice. (I have spoken to the guy before, he obviously didn’t care one bit.)

                            Anyhow, she was nice, and she knew a fair number of things, but she INSISTED that the sitting spectrals had been retired for ages, and she also INSISTED that Windstone hadn’t chosen the next new color yet, that they had no idea what it was going to be. And I’m all… “Er, no it’s this emerald-peacock thing, they’re just deciding on a name, you see,” and she kept telling me that no, they hadn’t decided on the new color at all.

                            It wasn’t really that bad, or anything, it was just kind of annoying to be told I didn’t know what I was talking about, when I’m pretty sure I do.


                            Unless they are all back ordered, there is a whole cart of peacock old warriors that just painted, that’s 32 of them. They don’t have eyes or horns yet, but they are there!

                            Again, I don’t know if they have already been bought by other stores, they could have and that’s why they are listed as 0.

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