
ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED

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    pegasi1978 wrote:

    After 21 days it would be released to the sellers account.

    Which means that if he chooses he can wait to hold it for 21 days, leaving me sitting here knowing I wasted $35 for priority mail because it sure isn’t going to get to me fast. *sigh* 🙁


      Technically, yes. But you can always start a item not recieved claim with ebay or paypal (after an appropriate amount of time) and that might light a fire under his butt. I’d start with trying to contact the seller about shipping the piece first.


        Paypal had too many problems when they had less rules. Now they add more complicated (bulloxed up) rules where they have to keep funds in holding?! I can just see them losing many transactions and blaming it on seller and buyer to save their butts. Seems to me Ebay and Paypal have become greedy bastards and I can’t wait for a similar company to rival the heck out of them, and have the boom ebay initially did. Really hope something happens that will knock both companies down a peg. They make things too difficult and can’t seem to strike a balance for both buyer and seller, imo.

        Do they only do this kind of fund hold thing in relation to ebay? I don’t think using PayPal through Windstone store causes PayPal to hold our monies going to this company (or others on the web), right? I hope not! What a PITA.

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


        The seller responded, he just said he was sorry for the confusion and claimed he would mail the package today and give me a tracking number.
        I’ll keep you all updated.

        I’m thinking he was unaware of the 21 day policy, but we’ll see how it goes.


          Sway wrote:

          Paypal had too many problems when they had less rules. Now they add more complicated (bulloxed up) rules where they have to keep funds in holding?! I can just see them losing many transactions and blaming it on seller and buyer to save their butts. Seems to me Ebay and Paypal have become greedy bastards and I can’t wait for a similar company to rival the heck out of them, and have the boom ebay initially did. Really hope something happens that will knock both companies down a peg. They make things too difficult and can’t seem to strike a balance for both buyer and seller, imo.

          Do they only do this kind of fund hold thing in relation to ebay? I don’t think using PayPal through Windstone store causes PayPal to hold our monies going to this company (or others on the web), right? I hope not! What a PITA.

          No, it’s ebay transactions only.


            Hopefully everything goes through okay! Do you know how he’s shipping? Today is Veteran’s Day, so if he’s shipping USPS it would be tomorrow before he could ship it. Let us know what happens!

            Dragons4Life wrote:

            The seller responded, he just said he was sorry for the confusion and claimed he would mail the package today and give me a tracking number.
            I’ll keep you all updated.

            I’m thinking he was unaware of the 21 day policy, but we’ll see how it goes.


              I had this problem a couple of months ago. I purchased an item from seller and received it in a couple of days and a week or so later purchased another item from the same seller and it didn’t come and didn’t come and I sent seller several email asking where my item was They finally answered my email telling me there was a problem with paypal but never explained what it was. Finally about a month later I received the item.


                Honestly, having been in the seller’s position, blindsided by the hold, I can understand the reluctance (or in some cases, the total inability – hey, shipping funds are held too!) to ship without money in hand.

                I think that any further auction I post may have a possible ship time of three weeks. Paypal/Ebay’s policies have become so one-sided it’s barely worth it for small sellers to use it anymore.


                  I was just selected to do a survey by ebay and slammed them about the 21 day hold. I told them in one spot I can understand holding the selling price of an item, but at least release the shipping costs to sellers so they can send the item on.


                  Well the seller told me Tuesday he was going to get the package out and give me a tracking number. (Tuesday night.) So I knew Wednesday was a holiday and waited to hear from him either Thursday or Friday about that tracking number.
                  Nope, nothing.

                  So I sent him another message and put the pressure on him. I won’t tolerate this shady business. I either get my package or I claim my money back!! 👿


                    Wow that really stinks….is this a new rule? Ive never heard of this happening.


                      The 21 day hold has been in effect for almost a year now. Here’s an old thread posted back at the end of January talking about it. And here’s the link to the question on ebay’s site.


                        Well I’ve had a seller contact me about shipment saying the money just got into their account. This is about 4 days. So hopefully, he’s having trouble with the money clearing and not scamming you. I don’t care, I wouldn’t do a transaction outside of eBay for fear of this–unless I know the person like a good ol’ regular here on the forum.


                        🙄 Well let me tell you guys. I sell hatching eggs at least twice a week. I use paypal and have never had an issue. I have sold some Windstones on Ebay and 1 left feedback and the other didn’t. I dont always leave feedback.
                        Well I just sold 2 of my peices of Windstones because my husband has been out of work for 2 months and just went back. I needed this money very badly to pay my electric bill. The items sold and no funds. If you read pp forum this is an ongoing problem just with ebay. Because ebay and PP are one in the same. I spent 2 days on the phone with PP and I have yet to hear back from ebay. But I am important to them. 😈 So basically I sold my items that my husband got me that I loved dearly, for nothing. I had to get the money from somewhere else and I am out my pretties. Now like I said I use PP 2 to 4 times a week. They have never sent me a notice that if you list on ebay your funds will be held. They told me they will hold my crappy little $20. for hatching eggs. Do you know some eggs hatch in 16 days? They can not get a 100% hatch, which you never will with shipped eggs, give you negative feedback and get their money back. I will tell you that PP takes their fees immediatly.
                        I will never sell anything ever again, or buy anything ever again from ebay. They are making money hand over fist with fees and now interest on our money.
                        And I am a honest person.


                        Seller has still not replied and I still don’t have package. 🙄 🙄

                        I’m fed up and opened a dispute with Paypal. If that doesn’t light the fire under his butt, I’m just going to escalate it to a claim.

                        I’m actually just hoping I get my money back, because I don’t want to deal with this lousy eBayer anymore. 👿

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