Anyone do non-MMORPG roleplay?

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      Just curious. Many of you seem to enjoy creative hobbies related to fantasy. I personally rp in a Harry Potter based sim in Second Life.



          I used to do story-based RP chat over MSN years ago when I was about 16. There were four of us, and we would each use a character of our own creation and set them in strange situations or send them on quests. It was great for adding depth and backstory to our own characters and experimenting with new locations or storylines, and it taught me to use real English on the internet, because the guys I chatted with would kill me for using chatspeak or for making a lot of mistakes 😆


            Final Fantasy games here. Starcraft (not sure if that counts as a non-MMORPG, but I’ll mention it anyways). I also do table top rpgs (White Wolf – anything before the world of darkness, except hunter and demon… never cared for those much. Werewolf, vamp, mage, changeling and wraith for me, particularly werewolf.). A little D&D, Jadeclaw/Ironclaw, and some oddballs there, like HOL (Human Occupied Landfill).

            I don’t have time for things like WoW, as much as I would like to play.

            Welcome fellow gamer (and windstone lover!). 😀


              I play on several MUSHes and MOOs, all Pern themed. 😀


                Arya, I was about to respond with “Lol!” Hehe. Yeah, we keep chatspeak out of our in-character conversations, but out-of-character is fair game.
                Siber, it looks like you do a LOT of rp games. I honestly had never *really* rp’d until I joined Second Life and a friend of mine introduced me to rp there. Otherwise, the closest I had gotten was Munchkin (a card game that pokes a bit of fun at table-top based rp games like D&D). And thanks for the welcome. This is a great forum!


                  I’ve only ever played Everquest, Everquest 2 and now WoW. Hubby says I spend too much time on WoW and is always after me to get off the computer 😆


                  I play Munchkin 😀


                    ghostndragon wrote:

                    Arya, I was about to respond with “Lol!” Hehe. Yeah, we keep chatspeak out of our in-character conversations, but out-of-character is fair game.
                    Siber, it looks like you do a LOT of rp games. I honestly had never *really* rp’d until I joined Second Life and a friend of mine introduced me to rp there. Otherwise, the closest I had gotten was Munchkin (a card game that pokes a bit of fun at table-top based rp games like D&D). And thanks for the welcome. This is a great forum!

                    HAHAHA! Munchkin! We also used to play Guillotine. I honestly never started until college. I joined my college’s gaming club, then called Darkling Society, out of curiosity after talking to a few neighbors in my dorm. I eventually was an officer in the club – Secretary (Minister of Propoganda… *hehe*) and webmaster. I ended up working part-time at the local gaming store in town too. My gaming book collection, needless to say, is a weee bit… large… Ebay and an employee discount. Hmmmmmm. Not so much gaming now though. My friends all live too far away *cries* and I don’t want to play with a group of only pre-pubescent boys, which is about all I find around here. *sigh*


                      I used to alot, but the times I literally work mean I can’t go to the local LARP’s group, and Neither my Best Friend or I have that much time or freedom to do our bastardized form over the phone.


                        Sweet! I didn’t know there were that many people that played Munchkin. We try to play a couple of times a month with some friends. We’re…brutal.


                          I used to LARP on occasion…mostly D&D, some Vampyre, had a Wheel of Time group for a while but I got stationed in a different state, so it kinda broke up.

                          Not a whole lot of time for it now, and Louis would be ubber jealous of me spending that much time with other geeks IRL LoL!


                            I used to, but over the years most places I’d do RP has been flooded with.. how do I say this politely. l337 kiddies and the like. Godmoders and some of the younger crowd just ruined it for me. The most mature (not in rating, but in behavior!) crowd I know is in the MMO I play, and everyone keeps in character and true to lore cannon, so no weird godmoding and off the wall stuff.

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                            I play at a board called Clockwork Lullabye. It’s text based RP, so different from what most of you are familiar with, I think? Anyhow, that’s my main passion when it comes to RP, although the boythinger got me into D&D and Dark Heresy, which is based on Warhammer 40k. Tabletop RP is another world entirely, so it’s interesting for me to switch over and realize what STARTED role-playing in the first place…

                            We’ve also played Munchkin a couple of times. My cousin (BiPolarBear) bought the Cthulu set. I must say it’s pretty hilarious, but I’m still not sure if we’re playing it right, ’cause everyone always ends up a Cultist. Is this supposed to happen?


                              MUSH and MOO are live text based roleplay. They’re essentially coded chatrooms with full environments. I love them. 😀

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