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- This topic has 93 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 18 years ago by Skigod377.
February 14, 2007 at 7:54 pm #533406skigod377 wrote:dragonessjade wrote:
That and the fact you can do it in your pjs. hehe
Now THAT would be sweet, but the folks at the ED center would look at me crazy. It may be on line but its still proctored. Woe is me! 😆
Aw, I just figured you take classes at your house. You should do it on April Fools day and take pics of their faces. 😆
February 14, 2007 at 8:40 pm #533407dragonessjade wrote:Aw, I just figured you take classes at your house. You should do it on April Fools day and take pics of their faces. 😆
I get to do the homework and stuff at home, but the exams I gotta do with a proctor. Otherwise, cheating on an online degree program would be too easy. Since we are on the topic, I just got this note from my teacher and it made me happy:
Hi, Julia,
Congratulations! You made an A in Anth 2351. I just got your Exam #3
grade. You have 53 Exam points (out of a possible 60) and 39.5
etc. points (out of a possible 40) which totals 92.5 – an A in CTC
grades.I have entered it just now in WebAdvisor, so you are done! A little
start, but you mastered the course.I feel sure that anthropology will be of use to you in the future –
whatever your eventual career may turn out to be. I will remember
the pigs – should I ever find myself in Bulgaria. Haven’t been there
but one never knows. In any case, it sure is a good pig-tale (awful
sorry – couldn’t resist.)Take care and all the best.
I am sooooo close to a degree I can taste it!!! 😯
February 14, 2007 at 8:43 pm #533408Haha! Ok, now I have to ask what the Bulgarian pig-tale is…? Sounds like you have a great teacher.
But on to the reason I clicked this topic–HAPPY VALENTINES EVERYBODY!!!
February 14, 2007 at 9:36 pm #533409Chessapeaka wrote:Haha! Ok, now I have to ask what the Bulgarian pig-tale is…? Sounds like you have a great teacher.
But on to the reason I clicked this topic–HAPPY VALENTINES EVERYBODY!!!
Happy Valentines to you, too!!
The pig tale… We were bored while waiting for some VIPs in Bulgaria. I saw some cows, (That Scharff tried to convice me were pigs) in the distance. We went to check it out. Andy tagged along. As we get closer, I realize they are indeed pigs. HUGE pigs. We walk on and Andy stops in the middle of the path and wont budge. Scharf and I decide we want a closer look. We walk on and come to a pig in the middle of the path. We figure we would just stomp at it and it would run away. We were wrong. It stomped back & was much better at intimidation than we were. We went around. We are walking along the edge of the lake, skirting around some trees and we come to a clearing. Im not kidding… there were about 50 pigs snoring in the shade trees in this clearing. I pulled out my camera and told Scharf to get closer to the pigs so I can snap a pic.. He does…the dummy… well, the flash fails on the first pic so I tell him to get closer to the pigs so I can snap another. He does. I snap this shot and all of the sudden my (Very loud) camera starts to rewind. All the pigs jump up and start screaming and snorting… so we start screaming and running. We run back down the path and rejoin Andy and are none the worse for wear and I even have a cute pic of Scharfs face and some pigs and a great story to tell all the guys when we get back home. Silly story 🙄
February 14, 2007 at 9:43 pm #533410I love the pig story!!!! And congrats on your grade!!! 😀
February 14, 2007 at 9:51 pm #533411starbreeze wrote:I love the pig story!!!! And congrats on your grade!!! 😀
Thanks, girl!! 😀
February 14, 2007 at 10:03 pm #533412Great pig story! Everything’s going your way! Grades, Valentines! Good for you!
Have a great day everyone!February 15, 2007 at 6:00 am #533413That story is great, Ski. 😆 What kind of degree are you working toward?
February 15, 2007 at 1:51 pm #533414Just General Assosiates for now. Then I will decide what I want to do when I grow up 😛
February 15, 2007 at 2:48 pm #533415😆 😆 What is General Associates? I’m sure we’ve got something similar here, and I’d recognize the German name, but GA as is doesn’t tell me much…
February 15, 2007 at 2:51 pm #533416Its an assosiates degree in general studies. Does that make sense? The basic classes. English, History, math, etc… with nothing directed at whatever it is you decide to major in.
February 15, 2007 at 2:51 pm #533417Thanks. Yes, that does make sense. I know, I’m a dunce with some things about the States… 😀
February 15, 2007 at 7:18 pm #533418skigod377 wrote:Its an assosiates degree in general studies. Does that make sense? The basic classes. English, History, math, etc… with nothing directed at whatever it is you decide to major in.
How soon do you have to pick a major?
February 15, 2007 at 7:27 pm #533419starbreeze wrote:How soon do you have to pick a major?
I dunno. I suppose when I finish my assosiates, I better have an idea what I want to do before I pick the next class. If not, it could very well end up being a waste of time.
February 15, 2007 at 10:49 pm #533420Congrats Ski. That pig story is funny. Do you have the pic of the pigs?
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