Any plans for Valentine's Day?

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      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Cute, ruff.
      Congrats, Ski. Glad you passed. How come you have two history classes? One for U.S. and one for world or something like that?

      No, just American History I and II. Its a big book so they break it up, is my guess. ALOT of reading. πŸ˜•


      Happy Valentine’s Day. Good job on your test Ski.

      I found out that I get to go to a funeral today. One of my friends died. The good part is I don’t have to go back to work after.


        dragonessjade wrote:

        Happy Valentine’s Day. Good job on your test Ski.

        I found out that I get to go to a funeral today. One of my friends died. The good part is I don’t have to go back to work after. Thank you!! I am very sorry about your friend. This has been a sad week πŸ™


        Your welcome. I know, it has been a sad year for me so far. My grandma died last month and then this happens. Hopefully the rest of the year is better.


        I’m sorry about your friend, dragoness. Lots of warm fuzzies – and I hope the rest of year is more enjoyable.


        Aw, thank you GB. It is really sad because her husband is on disablility and he can’t work because of a disease. She had 4 children..ages: 12,14,16,18. The oldest one was married, but I still feel really bad for them. I am hoping that they will be ok.

        Anyways, Valentine’s Day is suppose to be a happy one. On to the celebration.


        That’s awful! Sorry that I stick to the subject, but I’ll be praying for that family. As for the celebration, well, it’s going on 1930 hours here. The celebration’s long over, but I hope the rest of you guys’ are fun.


          Congrats on your test Ski.

          And sorry to hear about your friend Dragonessjade. Seems like so many negative things are happening lately. I wish your friend’s family the best during this difficult time.


          Many warm wishes on Valentine’s Day to all of the forum members!
          I am sorry for the loss of your friend. My sympathies to the family.


          Thanks guys. I will make it a better day. I just have to.


            Lokie wrote:

            Congrats on your test Ski.

            Thank you! πŸ˜€


            Yes Ski, CONGRATS!! Test’s always drove me crazy, until I saw the grade and knew I passed… πŸ˜†


              WindstoneCollector wrote:

              Yes Ski, CONGRATS!! Test’s always drove me crazy, until I saw the grade and knew I passed… πŸ˜†

              Thank you! When you take your test on line you find out immidiately, so there was no waiting πŸ˜€ Gotta love it!!


              That and the fact you can do it in your pjs. hehe


                dragonessjade wrote:

                That and the fact you can do it in your pjs. hehe

                Now THAT would be sweet, but the folks at the ED center would look at me crazy. It may be on line but its still proctored. Woe is me! πŸ˜†

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