
Any Lady Gaga fans?

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      Sway wrote:

      lamortefille wrote:

      Well, I don’t know if she writes her own material, but whoever wrote it gets an A++ for the “hook”. The song is still rolling around in my head a day later. 😈 :shout: πŸ˜†

      Hook- that is exactly what got me for that song. I don’t care what an artist looks like or how they perform, but if I find myself stuck with one of their songs in my head for a certain length of time, and I’m not pulling my hair out, then chances are I will like at least one of their CDs. I’ve heard her name around for a long time but never paid any attention. Then I ran across that song during late night and then it was on a TV show. Then I got “hooked” on it πŸ˜€

      I do find her run of the mill and generic and like Frozen said, I can barely tell her apart from the rest of young musical Hollywood. I don’t find her unique. But I don’t care. I’ll just grab her CD off the discount rack at WalStore or something. I have yet to go to Amazon but I’m about to mosey on over.

      Hook- you plucked that word right out of my head!

      As long as you enjoy listening to the music, that’s what counts! Nobody else has to like it. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ It’s still rolling around in my head. lol

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