About squirrels…

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      I was walking around the college campus (which is home to numerous squirrels) and came across a weird sight. Their was a squirrel laying on the cement spread eagle belly to the cement and making a very odd noise. At first I thought it was injured so I went in to get a closer view. I got very close and it kept doing it and didn’t run away. After a few seconds though it got up and ran around playing with the other squirrels and durring the play it layed down an made the same noise. Did I witness some bizzare squirrel mating ritual, a game squirrels play, or something entirly different?

      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
      Engaged to a Weasel


        I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
        Engaged to a Weasel


          squirrel with allergies?

          poisoned squirrel?

          squirrel with asthma?

          never heard of that and i don’t think it’s normal….


            poor thing must’ve had something wrong with it…none of our squirrels do that…poison does sound likely or maybe some kind of internal injury…poor little squirrel… 🙁


              Squirrel playing possum? Maybe he was it and thats how squirrels count to 10? I really hope he was not sick, though that is most likely. 🙁


                😥 😥 😥


                  Well sickness and injury was the first thing I thought of but then the little fellow continued playing with the other squirrels. I wish I could describe the sound it was making, it sounded bad. I really hope it wasn’t seriously injured. I never thought of poisoning. They eat lots of food that is given to them by students I hope some jerk didn’t decide it would be funny to feed them something bad. I was really hoping it was just some kind of action that I had never seen before.

                  I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                  Engaged to a Weasel


                    Poor thing probably did eat something bad for it…don’t know why people do things like that…there’s too much of that these days 😥


                      Well here’s what is probably good news. According to a quick google search, I’m not the only one to see this behavior. Another person that saw this thought the squirrel was dead and then it goit up and chased another squirrel up a tree, they don’t mention the weird noise that was almost a caw, but maybe this is just some squirrel play technique.

                      I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                      Engaged to a Weasel


                        hmmm…never heard of that…well that cheers me up!!! Thanks!!! 😀


                          we used to have squirrels in our back yard many years ago and I also never seen one do this or heard of it. I’m glad to know the little guys seems OK


                          BiPolarBear wrote:

                          I was walking around the college campus (which is home to numerous squirrels) and came across a weird sight. Their was a squirrel laying on the cement spread eagle belly to the cement and making a very odd noise. At first I thought it was injured so I went in to get a closer view. I got very close and it kept doing it and didn’t run away. After a few seconds though it got up and ran around playing with the other squirrels and durring the play it layed down an made the same noise. Did I witness some bizzare squirrel mating ritual, a game squirrels play, or something entirly different?

                          Hmmm, maybe it was a male squirrel and it was trying to catch a female one, but it thought it caught you instead so it ran away. 😆


                            😆 😆 😆


                              MIMI where ARE you??? Mimi we miss you, come home! Come home!


                                yes where have you been??

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