About how much do these go for…?

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  • #542878

    This morning my wonderful mother sent me dashing across four lanes of traffic to get stamps from our quaint little post office while she did the grocery shopping. This was the first time I’d been in this post office since I was about ten years old, and I was surprised to see that they have collectibles for sale.

    I think you know what happened…

    At the back of the room was a little table with Windstones on it!!! There was the crouching cat candle lamp, the owl candle lamp, and the business card holder shaped like a clawed foot. No dragons or unicorns, but still… this is monumental for me, since I’ve never seen Windstones of any kind for sale in INDIANA, let alone my little corner of it 😆

    So I’m wondering… what are these three worth so I’ll know whether or not to buy them and face the music for spending yet more money? The cat was marked at $30 or $35 (can’t remember which), the owl was $19.99, and the claw was $10. They all look mint to me, still with tags and not even dusty, and I looked them over pretty good. Does anyone know if that’s a good deal? (has no idea what list prices are and does not trust prices seen on eBay…)

    Thanks in advance to anybody who knows anything!



    Excellent prices, especially if they’re mint. The owl retailed for $37 before the price increase. Go for it, Megani!


      You can always go to astral castle and check the issue prices cause I’m not sure exactly which ones you are talking about. http://www.astralcastle.com/windstone/wsframe.htm
      This is a Windstone encyclopedia so you can see what they origianaly went for. This site has most of the Windstones made.


        You can always check out my store too. http://www.emeraldsemporium.com

        I keep it up to date on the current prices of things as well as what is currently being made. The claw foot card holder is not on there though, so I’ll just tell you it retails for $28.00.


        Meep! 😯 So those are really good buys… Now I’ve GOT to get them! Even if the cat is at regular price, who knows how long they’ll stay there?! *hyperventilating*

        Who knows who else might be looking at/touching/feeling/plotting about my little owl and kitty and claw… (glances suspiciously about) I must save them! 8)

        Mom will just have to get over this one way or another. I’ve been smuggling boxes into the house for months, she was bound to find out eventually. I’ll just offer her the cat as compensation 😀 She loves cats and sooner or later it will wind up in my room anyway…


        You know I just realized… a scant three days after I join this forum, Windstones appear! You guys are lucky! Now, if only one of those gorgeous black griffins would pop up out of nowhere… 😆


        Heh. Well, there’s one on E-Bay right now…


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Heh. Well, there’s one on E-Bay right now…

          You must have been reading my mind. I was just about to say that when I saw your post pop up!


          😆 😆 😆 I think with our one uniting factor we get a gift to read the other folks’ minds.


          Yep, go for it Magani.


            Ya, those are good prices 🙂 Have you checked the dealer’s page on the windstone home page to find out if there are any stores that might have retired pieces near you? I got lucky and found the black griffin in a store for $95, so you might get lucky too! There are 23 dealers marked as still carrying them. Try printing out that one section of the web page, get on the phone, call them and write what each store has next to their name. In my serach, I didn’t find that maybe 3 or 4 stores actually had anything, much less what I was looking for. But try asking “Do you carry Windstone DRAGONS?” Because some places only have Maya Hill’s figures or maybe the unicorns or candle lamps. 🙂


            Thanks for the advice! I’ll try that.


            Finally got back to get the candle lamps, and they’re great 😀 Tags and boxes and all, even. The owl especially is just so round and cute-like…

            Now, what are the chances that I can get them to get in a few dragons or some unicorns? I had a nice chat with the owner about how wonderful Windstones are and pointed out a few that I had in the sales booklet they found while getting out the boxes for me. I went on about how beautiful they are in person and how wonderful the lamps look when they’re lit. She looked pretty interested, so… maybe! (left the booklet so she could keep looking at it…)

            I can always hope.


              I hope it works!! Congrats on your new purchases!!

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