A Weighty Problem

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      I get so disgusted with myself with gaining this weight and not moving the rear to get it off! Seems like stuff comes up and I have yet to put on my walking shoes and at least walk around the block. I must be horribly out of shape. Well my sister tells me about Curves and how it helps her at least maintain. I need to do something because right now, I’m not doing anything which means more weight will find itself onto my waist, stomach, hips. So tired of it and I’m not really eating that much–it’s the inactivity!

      So since I can’t motivate myself to walk around the neighborhood, I thought if I joined something like Curves I would be obligated–paying for this thing so might as well use it! Anyone here on Curves–and what is your experience with this program?



          I’ve never done any programs like that…but I will say the best success I’ve had is when we recently adopted a lab/bordercollie dog and I’ve been walking/jogging her regularly. She needs it…I need it…and I’m more likely to go if it’s doing something for someone else…even if it is a dog. Plus, I enjoy the company. I’d recommend a medium size breed that’d need the excersize, and be likely to remind you of it. Of course….a dog comes with it’s own monthly fees. LOL.

          Really sorry I dont know anything about programs like Curves.


            I hear ya! I had twins two years ago & gained 100 pounds since then. I’m so out of shape I get winded getting off the couch! Last week I picked up a cheap treadmill-one of those foot-powered ones, not electric. Everynight for the past week I pop in a movie and walk while I watch the movie. Believe it or not, I feel great after only one week (and I sleep better too!!). I don’t know much about clubs like Curves. Everybody is different, you just gotta find what works for you and make it enjoyable (like watching a movie or walking a dog!) 😀


              Problem with me is I can’t get motivated and thought joining a club would make me feel obligated to get up and do something. Spending that money after all. My sister swears by the place and yes, everyone is different. I can’t tell you how many times during the day I swear I’ll put on my shoes and go for a walk–you think it would be simple but something is always coming up! So I thought joining a club for a while would help–I figure about 6 months or so until I get a routine.

              I’m in such sorry shape that I felt I had to do something before I got much worse!


                I hear ya. I’ve had problems with my weight most of my life. It got worse after an accident several years ago. My roomies have a dog (Lab cross) that I take out for walks occasionally. I also try to go myself at least once a day. Some days are more sucessful than others 🙂 I’ve never gone to a gym or fitness club, frankly they scare me. Though I do have a couple of friends who have had memberships and they say that it doesn’t help motivate them to actually GO. The thing I’m found works best is to find a buddy to go with, you each motivate each other.


                I don’t know about Curves, but I did join a gym not too long ago, and I found that I was more likely to go since I knew I was paying for it, and i didn’t want the money to go to waste. Suffice to say, i have to join a different gym because the one I am with doesn’t have childcare, and I need one with childcare, because my husband is gone 6 out of the 7 days, and so I can’t do it on my own. Problem is, it is double the cost. 🙄 Good luck!! I hope you can do what you want to do in losing weight! Once you start exercising, then you find that your metabolism increases, and you start to really want to hit the gym!


                  I hear ya foxfeather….my husband got us a family membership at the YMCA here locally, over a month ago now…and I’ve only gone once. It’s nice enough facilities…I’m just intimidated by the “gym” atmosphere. Thankfully he goes often enough that I dont feel too bad about the cost.

                  I was always more of a sword fighting, hiking, walking, horseback riding, rock climbing type girl…..never really the basketball, lap swimming, track walking, treadmill type. I do enjoy swimming…and raquetball is pretty ok, so I’m trying to work up my bravery into going more often and at least giving it a fair chance. There’s always the chance I could enjoy going if I exposed myself to it a bit more.


                    eaglefeather831 wrote:

                    I don’t know about Curves, but I did join a gym not too long ago, and I found that I was more likely to go since I knew I was paying for it, and i didn’t want the money to go to waste. Suffice to say, i have to join a different gym because the one I am with doesn’t have childcare, and I need one with childcare, because my husband is gone 6 out of the 7 days, and so I can’t do it on my own. Problem is, it is double the cost. 🙄 Good luck!! I hope you can do what you want to do in losing weight! Once you start exercising, then you find that your metabolism increases, and you start to really want to hit the gym!

                    Exactly my point–I’m paying, better go so not to waste that money! There was a lady I used to walk with that lives in back of me but she is getting up in age and doesn’t want to come out as much. We talk about it and it ends there. I can’t get motivated–one thing or another comes up so this way I’m forcing myself to do something! If I join this gym for about a year, I feel that I’ll get a routine down, see some results, metabolism increases and now I’m really motivated!

                    What I’ve ready and heard other people say about the gym I’m thinking of joining that it is a women’s only gym and is pretty much geared for us older gals. The biggest complaint is that once you’ve reached your goals there is no way to ‘improve’ I guess they mean get a more streneuous workout. Hey, I’m much older and need to get in basic shape not try to be part of the olympics! Also people say it can be pricey–I’ll see tomorrow and whether it would be worth my time and money–then again, I see the results of what I’m doing now! [need emoticon that puffs out]


                      Almost 2 years ago I went back to KC for my 50th class reunion and I didn’t want to go back with all the weight I had put on since high school (about 40 lbs amost of it after a hysterectomy ) so I made myself get out and walk around the community I live in – about 1 1/2 miles twice a day and in 4 months I walked off 18 lbs. I also tried to cut down on the junk food I ate – anyway it worked and I went back to my class reunion in a size 6 pants. I didn’t lose as much as I had gained but it still made me Happy Happy Happy and I looked a lot better.


                        Both my husband and I were/are overweight. I much more so than him 🙁 . We decided to join Weight Watchers, sorta on a whim, and have lost a bunch of weight. Since this January he has lost 60 pounds and I have lost about 40 pounds. He’s almost at his ‘goal’ weight (men always seem to loss weight more quickly and easily 🙄 ) and I have about another year to go 😳 . It’s been working for us, and the cool thing is that we are on a monthly pass sort of deal, so we can quit anytime. The program doesn’t require to buy ‘their’ food and your not required to join a gym.


                          Well I checked out Curves today just to see how it is–I’m going to pass on this. It seems rather pricey for what you get. First off their sign up fee is $99–you get the first month free and then you pay $39 a month thereafter–so it’ll cost me $60 the first month. Then if I wanted to do the Curves Smart thingie, which is a device you can plug into their machines to gauge how you’re doing, my sister told me that was another $50 sign up fee and it adds another $5 to your monthly fee. So $44 a month to do this and the workout is simple enough–you go around in a circle on various machines and spend about 30 seconds on each machine.

                          Now I love my sister, she has been doing this for 5 years and rides an exercise bike at home for 15 minutes–she’s no smaller than I am!!!! I was advised by a friend here that since I’m going to school later on this month check out what the college has. Duh—colleges have a track field–I could walk around this thing a few times for crying out loud! I might be able to add a PE class!

                          Oh well, the gym idea was okay–I just wanted something that would keep me motivated–spending money each month will force me to do that–but it looks like I won’t be able to afford to do that! Crap, I could put that $44 elsewhere! So it got me both mad and determined that I need to do this on my own. Then there’s the food–it’s really about the food–I do love my sweets and they certainly love me back by clinging to my stomach and thighs and anywhere else on my body that looks lonely!!! 😆


                            I have a big weight problem also and I find that the best way to get motivated is if someone else is there to walk with you. My mom will stop by my place and ask if I want to walk with her and most time I go unless I’m in pain (back and joints).
                            If you can get a neigbour or something to help you it would be great! 🙂


                            perhaps this is my west-coast side talking, but I cannot stop singing praise to Yoga and Pilates and do not stop hearing all the gushing over it from my friends who use it as a means to lose weight (I go for the endurance and balance training, so my exercises are different). I’d caution against Birkam/Hot Yoga since it is potentially a health risk, but around here I know you can get an unlimited pass at $69 for most yoga places, and it seems to be obscenely addictive. Going alone, most of my friends and myself completed a 2 month challenge (that’s everyday for 2 months).


                              I guess the right method is whatever you are comfortable with and losing the pounds,which is,after all,the main reason.Me,I got a hard,strenuous job and pulled off 40lbs and got fit in less than five months and got paid for it too. 😆 I know that is an impossibility for some but the point is to loose the weight.There are simple things you can do at home to at least get you started,motivated and work your way up from there.Walking,put on your favorite music and start cleaning,bending,stretching,dancing,walking in place,mild excersises like we did in school.This all helps to start you mentally as well as physically.Before you know it,you are outside,maybe walking,maybe finding something more active than that.Get imaginative and make it interesting for you,something you won’t mind doing.Excersise is not something most of us want to get up and make ourselves do but small steps become big strides.It is a matter of mental training.I believe that anything can become a habit,good or bad.Just my humble
                              opinion. :yes:

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.

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