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- This topic has 311 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by SPark.
April 1, 2008 at 6:51 am #685315ddvm wrote:lamortefille wrote:
They are called Scarlet Mormons. I read it too fast and thought they were called Scarlet Morons. 😯 😆
Wow! 😯 They are gorgeous! I could see a PYO painted like them.
I could help with that, DDVM. 😉
April 1, 2008 at 6:59 am #685316starbreeze wrote:I’m coming in on all of this very late, but Ski has shipped things to me numerous times and I’ve never had a problem. Things do happen sometimes, but it’s how we react to these situations that makes all the difference. This matter should’ve been kept private and perhaps mediated by Jen. I see this as a juvenile attempt to embarrass Ski and damage her reputation as a seller. As you can see, it didn’t work.
Very well said, starbreeze. I too have bought things from Ski and they’ve been well-packed. With this one exception, everybody on the forum knows Ski to be an excellent person to deal with when it comes to buying and selling Windstones.
April 1, 2008 at 7:06 am #685317tatt2dcowgrl wrote:skigod377 wrote:tatt2dcowgrl wrote:As I stated before- Would you tell me when this was? I have sold a grand total of TWO windstones FOUR TO FIVE years ago. This bad feedback was ONE year ago.
This was a spectral dragon sold in October/November so your claim that you have not sold any Windstones in the last 5 years is incorrect. I will not drag it up with out the buyers permission. If I have that, I would be glad to remind you of the situation and your unwillingness to work with the buyer. I can only tell you what you already know; Its the reason you are on the blacklist. Bad packing, then stating that the buyer should have purchased insurance when insurance was not offered in the auction.
October/November 2007?? Uh no. I have not sold for 4 years + and that was only two pieces ever- a sitting spectral and a rising spectral because I needed the cash. Those are the only two I have ever sold.
If you don’t want to bring up the person and if they can’t say so to me then they may as well not exist.
I was the buyer.
And this is the Spectral, who is still in my possession and has a very happy home in my display case.
A friend of mine bought the Spectral for me since I didn’t have a PayPal account at the time. The Spectral arrived with his wingtips broken off and a claw chipped (which you can still see somewhat on left, even though I managed to touch it up.)
My friend didn’t leave feedback because she wasn’t an avid E-Bayer, but she did ask you, tatt, for a refund. You refused, saying it was the post office’s fault and that we hadn’t asked for insurance. Well, insurance wasn’t offered and the dragon was skimpily packed.
For me, the whole thing is history. I fixed him up and he looks fine to me. But this is just a case of “what goes round comes round” for you.And don’t say you haven’t sold Windstones in more than four years, because I haven’t been collecting for four years. As Ski and lamorte said, it was in fall of 2006.
Any questions?
April 1, 2008 at 7:12 am #685318frozendragon wrote:skigod377 wrote:Wow… this is what I get for going to bed 😯 To drag it back on topic or not? So many things I want to respond to…
pfft….respond to buggies and poop…
that’s the important stuff.. 😈
Nah, im gonna respond to the thread. Sorry Purpledoggy! 🙂
A popularity contest? Just because everyone (for the most part) thinks you are wrong does not automatically turn this into a popularity contest. Have you considered that perhaps you actually ARE wrong? You did not ask for a partial refund. You wanted to send them back. Since you tossed out the box, that would leave me with no recourse for recouping my losses. Should I really have to lose out on money because you tossed out the box? As for not being well packed, that is bogus. They were double boxed and well padded. The fact that you tossed the box leaves no proof or that or that the outer box wasn’t damaged. I have yet to see pics of ANY damage. You left me no choice of options when you threw away the box.
Kyrin actually came up with a good idea. You pay for shipping to her for repair, and I would have paid for the repair. This would have been an alternative to your post, if only you would have lived up to your mistake instead of placing all fault and responsibility on me and expecting a full refund. I would have compromised if you would have come up with a viable solution… but instead you seem to think I should suck up a loss in its entirety even though it was your mistake. THEN you post a nasty entry in my own flea market topic? As such, I dont feel I owe YOU anything.
To be fair and allow you to respond, here is the original thread. It seems you are at least a little familiar with insurance during this dispute when it is in your favor, hu? The buyer would certainly not leave negative feedback since anyone who looks at your FB history can see that you will retaliate with a negative. I do not feel toooo horrible for bringing it up since anyone who does a search for your name can find it and GB has already said it was her:
Greater Basilisk wrote:The Spectral was badly packaged. I got a hold of my friend last night and the story is this: The Spectral arrived in Texas wrapped in a plastic bag with a bit of shredded newspaper around it.
Greater Basilisk wrote:I’m keeping the thing. My friend e-mailed the seller, saying the dragon arrived chipped because of bad packaging. She said she’d like to return it and have the money refunded. The seller replied, “No go. That’s the way I always package my Windstones; they’ve always arrived in good shape; the postman even approved of my packaging and stamped it fragile. Besides, you didn’t opt for shipping.”
Insurance wasn’t even offered! And you could put Austrian crystal in a plastic bag with some newspaper around it too, and throw it in a box full of rocks and stamp fragile on it – it’d still get broken!
I’ll restrain from cussing, but this person makes me mad. Don’t buy from tatt2dcowgrl. If she ever sold any other Windstones, it wasn’t over E-Bay. My friend said she left the seller a negative, but I don’t find the negative on her feedback. This person is an awful cheat.
All right, I’ve blown my steam. I’m still looking forward to my spectral. He’ll be beautiful – and after seeing those awful picture’s of the broken dragons from SPark, I guess this really isn’t so bad… 😕And here is what you PMd me…
tatt2dcowgrl wrote:What are you talking about? I don’t know how this works in the windstone world but I’ve bought and sold literally thousands of model horses and everyone in that world takes it as their responsibility to take something back if it’s broken because of poor packaging.
Now you may respond and tell me exactly why I should give you a refund.
April 1, 2008 at 12:10 pm #685319Boo Ski, I had this thread all turned around. I guess I’ll have to bring back the bug porn but I’ll wait till you guys resolve the broken unicorn problem first.
April 1, 2008 at 12:21 pm #685320Wow, this thread was enlightening after all…And not just because of bug porn or…POOP. 😆
I guess I must have missed the thread with GB’s post a while back…I am sorta anxious now to see what tatt2d has to say to this. 😕
Just glad my Windstone spree is done for the year…Taxes are spent! 😆 (But atleast this year I got caught up on bills first. 😯 )
(Simply because I know GB has NOT been collecting Windstones for 4 years either. 🙄 )April 1, 2008 at 12:44 pm #685321purpledoggy wrote:Boo Ski, I had this thread all turned around. I guess I’ll have to bring back the bug porn but I’ll wait till you guys resolve the broken unicorn problem first.
My humble apologies.
April 1, 2008 at 12:46 pm #685322I think my the whole thing happened before you joined, WSC, so it’s no wonder you missed it. I would have been satisfied to leave it buried in the ancient threads, too. 😕
April 1, 2008 at 1:02 pm #685323Greater Basilisk wrote:I think my the whole thing happened before you joined, WSC, so it’s no wonder you missed it. I would have been satisfied to leave it buried in the ancient threads, too. 😕
I would have left it there, though when I asked her (via PM) what she would do in my situation and she said she would give a refund, I truly hoped this would come out. What kills me is that the items WERE insured in my case. This whole thing could have been avoided if she had only kept the packing materials. As it is, though, I am not paying for someone elses mistake, esp when she would not reciprocate in a like situation. Sorry, but thats the way I feel.
April 1, 2008 at 1:07 pm #685324Makes sense to me. Now let’s see what tatt thinks. I’m very curious.
April 1, 2008 at 1:18 pm #685325Oh my….I feel like such a latecomer to this…. but yeah…it shoulda been handled through pms, and taking something public like this is NEVER ok, as I’ve had it done to me recently, and was quite ticked over it. Especially since I had already asked Jen for advice, and was following it when the whole crapwad hit the forum, totally unnecessarily.
I’ve had a couple windstones arrive broken to me in the past year..and usually the first thing I do is grab the camera. I had an emperor arrive broken, and took pics of him having just come out of the box, and I even took pics of the box too. I understand about you tossing the box if you have space issues…god..do I ever know about space issues..with three kids. But take pics of the box if nothing else (with address label showing). I sent all the pics to the seller and ended up with my emperor for free (I had to give all evidence to the PO as well, since the box had the crap beat out of it, he was actually packaged ok…although not fantastically, I could tell they tried to pack him well at least)..whom I repaired and enjoy very much still.
Remember remember remember……Rule #1 for sellers is to always ask for proof of complaint. NEVER give a refund without pictures of what the buyer is complaining about. SO IF YOU HAVE A COMPLAINT, TAKE PICS!!! KEEP ALL EVIDENCE! THEN, find the appropriate person to send that evidence to, in this case…the Post office. If the buyer says they dont think they can get pics..the seller doesnt have much choice but to say no to any sort of refund. Especially with cameras on phones, computers and just plain old cameras everywhere in today’s society.
Burden of proof, my friends…burden of proof…the po needs it too, not just sellers.
Sorry to rant…I’m done now… 😳
April 1, 2008 at 1:21 pm #685326Are there any pics of the broken windstones? I keep hearing how they are broken but I’ve yet to see any pictures.
April 1, 2008 at 1:22 pm #685327Nope…no pictures..that’s part of why I commented the way I did. 😕
April 1, 2008 at 2:05 pm #685328She keeps saying that her camera and computer won’t work together… 😕
April 1, 2008 at 2:30 pm #685329starbreeze wrote:I’m coming in on all of this very late, but Ski has shipped things to me numerous times and I’ve never had a problem. Things do happen sometimes, but it’s how we react to these situations that makes all the difference. This matter should’ve been kept private and perhaps mediated by Jen. I see this as a juvenile attempt to embarrass Ski and damage her reputation as a seller. As you can see, it didn’t work.
Ditto to all of the above! I’ve bought two Windstones from Ski so far and both were well packed and double boxed, and arrived in perfect condition.
Phoenix wrote:Not getting in the middle here, but had a question…
I while back, I bought a pegasus stallion and the hatchling from someone on Ebay.
The box arrived and everything was perfect. Strong double walled box.
Inside the baby had been rattling against the stallion and both were damaged.
PO would not refund my money as they said the packager was at fault. The seller wouldn’t refund cause he said the PO was at fault. I was out my dollars and have two broken Windstones for my trouble.
Not saying this happened here, but more asking advice. What would have been the best way to get a refund>
In a situation like that you’d be covered if you’d bought with a credit card. You could file a dispute with the credit card company (i.e., submit the dispute form and relevant documentation), and in this case I think the credit card company would’ve issued a chargeback (i.e., taken the money back from the seller and issued a credit to your account). I’ve had to do this twice in 20+ years of credit card usage, the most recent time being ~3 years ago when I received Windstones that were not as described (“mint” pieces had many chips and other blemishes, and the seller refused to give a refund). In both cases, my credit card company was very helpful and found in my favor after reviewing the documentation.Here’s some info on the credit card dispute process: http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/banking/creditcardsmarts/p79885.asp
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