
6am visitor – Sad News :(

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    Leigha wrote:

    heh, I think I’ve seen one of those. it had a web from the second story apartment building roof corner, to the light pole next to it, down to about 2 feet off the ground on the same pole and then attached to the same building. it was awesome, I went back about an hour later to take a picture, and the manager had already taken it down πŸ™ I haven’t seen it back yet

    itl be back unless the spider was killed…


    she may have been killed then, I saw it a long time ago and haven’t seen it since


    Dracomancer wrote:

    orb weavers…yes…gods yes…my first year living in california i was introduced to them…see back then in school i was in marching band and ROTC so i had to be up at 4 am to let the dog out and eat and all that stuff..well..i open the screen door to our apartment..half asleep..in my boxers and pretty much dead to the world..when i feel something sticky on my face and something else rather large and..moving…i dont think the neighbors where expecting to hear a blood curtling scream erupt that early in the morning..but it did..along with me running outside flailign like a lunatic while screaming like a girl and cursing my head off in a display my mother to this day is not proud of >.>..after an hour of flailing, cursing and screaming i finally managed to get done what i needed..i thought the bugger was gone…nope..next morning she was there again..i took a tennis racket to her >:)

    Aaagh! 😯 Draco, I’d call your response 100% warranted, reasonable, and understandable. Giant spiderweb with occupant on face at that hour of the morning? Heck yeah, I’d be running and screaming too (if I didn’t just drop over dead!). I imagine the neighbors were a little startled, but hey, the spider was on you, not them. I’d like to see any of them handle that kind of nasty surprise any better! πŸ˜›


    I agree. I’d do the same thing if that happened to me Draco! A former supervisor I had experienced something similar, but he was stationed in Okinawa, Japan and ended up with a bird-eater spider on his face. He was walking in the dark with an army buddy, felt stuffs on his face and something else, went to grab something else that was on it and found he had said very large spider in his hand. He freaked out, though a bit more in silence from the shock/fear as it registered with his brain.

    I just sucked up several large spiders and egg sacks in various places in the house today. Vacuum cleaner hoses are sooooo my friend! 😈 One I would have gotten outside if I could have, but s/he was high up in a window above my matt of shoes in the laundry room, and she was a fast moving jumper (one of those thumbnail sized, fuzzy black jumpers with very small, white markings… they have pretty iridescent mandibles… I like watching them when they are outside. My dad likes painting their front when they get close to him when he is painting. :roll:).


    Oh man, your stories had me rolling on the floor laughing! I feel so mean, but goodness those were funny. Not at the time, but now.

    On Friday we went to Kmart and were browsing through all the Halloween decorations with our 2 year old daughter, Karli. I picked up a big 30″ fuzzy black spider and Karli just lost it! Started shrieking and telling me to put it down, it was gonna get me! I admit it, I laughed.

    I tried to explain that it wasn’t real, that it wouldn’t hurt me or her and that it was a “nice” spider. She would have none of it. Kept freaking out, so I put it down. Poor kid, then we proceeded to play with scary masks, needless to say I don’t think she was too happy with us.

    She’s funny though, next store had the same spiders, and we bought one. When we got home and I was fiddling with it to straighten out the legs and make it look more spiderish, she actually took a liking to it and was willing to carry it around. I think it was her 7 year old brother’s enthusiasm about it that did it. He was delighted with it.

    In Kmart I accidently touched her with a leg and that poor child actually cringed and tried to get out of the cart to avoid it, screaming and crying in fear. (Yes, I hastily dropped it and hugged her, what kind of mean Mommy do you think I am?) 😯 And then later she is laughing and towing it around the house, such a funny kid!



    muahahaha I remember when my nephew was afraid of spiders. I have a hand sized stuffed spider toy. He was always walking around the house and he’d come into my room and mess with my stuff. So I put the spider in the doorway with the door open. And he’d come towards the hallway and see the spider and run crying back to mamma LOL he was afraid of it for a while

    Then my sister introducted him to SpiderMan

    Now he’s not afraid of spiders. He calls my pet spider Spiderman too -.- have to keep the cage up high or he tries to touch it.


      My sister is terrified of spiders to the point where she has her husband come and kill them when she finds them in the house.

      When I was at walmart the other day they had some spider shaped lights on a string and I think they’d look great hung over the door 😈


      foxfeather wrote:

      My sister is terrified of spiders to the point where she has her husband come and kill them when she finds them in the house.

      When I was at walmart the other day they had some spider shaped lights on a string and I think they’d look great hung over the door 😈

      hehe, my sister is afraid of spiders too. She got bit on her side and it got really bad and gross, and so I told her the spider had laid it’s eggs in her belly! muahahahahaha she was so mad she was ready to hit me. She still gets mad when I remind her about it ^^



      My sister wakes me up about 20 minutes ago and asks me to come catch a spider that’s on the ceiling freaking her out.

      So I catch it, and throw it into the “pit of death” my spiders cage, thinking she’ll make an early morning snack of it. It’s the same type of spider as she is, only about 1/3 her size. The last one I put in with her, she attacked immediately and ate it. yum.

      So after the initial running around trying to escape, the little spider moves to the bottom of the cage where my big spider is sitting…and stops and doesn’t move. I’m thinking that the little spider is thinking “oh sh*t I’m dead…don’t move maybe that monster spider won’t see and eat me”

      Then all of a sudden the little spider runs (like lightning) on top of my big spider and stops. The big spider just lays there… and I’m thinking to myself…did that little spider just attack my big spider?! =O no way! I don’t want her to die!

      So I get the end of a paint brush and go poking at the pair…and no, it didn’t bite her, it’s just hanging on, So I go trying to poke it off her and she gets up and starts moving around with it clinging to her back, and I think to myself, “Oh sh*t…it’s a male of the same species…”



      one problem though…

      Leigha doesn’t want spider eggs in her bedroom, nor does she want any other spiders in her room -.-

      so I killed him… =

      I feel bad…

      But I do hope I killed him before anything happened O.O

      he has his abdomen over her face, which I thought was weird, the first picture shows them the best.


      Poor little spider. He was just doing his job! πŸ˜†


      I know spiders aren’t bugs, but…

      BUG PORN!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      well being a spider person i don’t have a problem with spider’s persay,in fact jumping spiders are my favorite,i dont worry about the recluse im a basement apartment it’s to humid they like it dry,though i do get wolf spiders normally males for some reason?but no no no not in my bed!hubby and i are nude sleepers well in the middle of the night one night i was sleeping on my back plop something hits and falls right between my breasts 😯 well you never would beleave how fast one can jump up out of sleep and off a bed πŸ˜† i did see it run off the bed down the side,lucky it was just a large but normal orb weaving spider you find in corners or it would have been mashed,i have always had a thing agianst earwigs and we had a small problem with those for a short time and that’s what i thought it was eww i just hate those things ❗


        πŸ˜† lol! *knocks on wood* luckily I haven’t had any life changing experiences with spiders myself. When my parents moved into their house (in the “country” in a new neighborhood) I saw more types of spiders there than Ive ever seen anywhere!
        I’ve got 3 spider stories.
        #1-My grandfather (a very peaceful man, in touch with nature) would wear his cowboy hat and sit outside under this big old tree at his house and let the little jumping spiders jump on his hat πŸ™‚ He saw them as his friends. But they weren’t even thumb-nail sized, they were about half the size of a dime. Tiny little things.

        #2-Once my friend Lindzae, who is very afraid of spiders, starts shreiking that there’s a spider on her jacket.
        “RIGHT THERE, SEE IT?!” (its this tiny white spider, the size of a pin head)
        *takes eraser end of pencil, squishes* “Dead.”
        “….IS IT REALLY DEAD?!”
        “IS IT GONE?”
        “ARE YOU SURE?”
        “OKAY good.”
        From then on, Ali and I called her “Schpidah” πŸ™‚

        #3-My boyfriend is DEATHLY afraid of spiders (but keeps snakes and kills rats to feed them. Go fig :shrug: ) and said that one time, while he was out playing in the woods, he ran into a web of the Banana spiders, and supposedly they were HUUUGE. He starts screaming like a girl, flailing around and stripping down, screaming and running, and hitting more spiders the more he flails. Well, soon enough (I imagine in less than 10 seconds) he’s stripped down to nothing, and these two hikers come by, wondering what all the fuss is over. He stops long enough to notice someone is watching him, gives a final shudder, grabs his clothes, smiles at the hikers, and says, “Hi, hows it goin? πŸ™‚ ” πŸ˜†


        Rolls on the floor laughing hysterically about the boyfriend story, Lord that was funny! Then he’s all trying to be cool after freaking and being nude…I can just see it!

        *chokes* I can’t breathe now!



          Speaking of spiders…anybody know what kind this one is?
          I took picture last sept.

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