
6am visitor – Sad News :(

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      I could just picture that Barrd! Gaaaah! 😆

      My sister was trying to kill one the other day and it ended up on top of her shoe. She started stomping and shuffling her feet in a panic. She put the people in Riverdance to shame. 😆


      Barrdwing wrote:

      Anybody else live where there are lots of orb weavers?

      We have tons. And there is a wysteria arbor over most of the back deck, so I will not go out there after dark. I swear the little “demonic grapes” just sit up there and wait for the last sliver of sunlight to sink over the horizon, then they all drop out of the foliage at once and turn the whole deck into a tangled mess of web and horror. *shudder* It gets even worse in the fall… I’m pretty sure they come from miles around to hang out on my patio 😆


        😯 ew, ew, ew, ew, ew!!!!! 😯

        twindragonsmum 😀



        LOL that’s so cool, you should give them a couple days of web weaving and take a picture of it ^^


        Leigha wrote:

        LOL that’s so cool, you should give them a couple days of web weaving and take a picture of it ^^

        I think my mother might have a little problem with that 😆 She’s still a bit traumatized… she accidentally walked into a web a few weeks back and the spider fell out of it and went down the front of her shirt. She’s incredibly afraid of them, so she was in tears.

        However… we might be able to persuade her to let them stick around for a few days before Halloween 🙂


        LOL no way, down her shirt!!! okay, I’d freak out too and start stripping >.< there are certain places bugs don't belong 😆

        that would be awesome for Halloween muahahahaha! and for those little jerks…er…kids who come trick or treating and try to mess with the “decorations” heh


        Oh good grief! Down her shirt?! 😯 Your poor mom! That has to be the single worst place to have a great big spider scrabbling around, bar none.

        Speaking of Halloween, the orb weavers were always still plenty active in our neighborhood by Halloween. Most of the houses on our street had long driveways and lots of trees. I can remember skittering under giant webs strung high overhead, praying that the spiders wouldn’t decide to drop down and land on me. (I was sure they would: it was Halloween, after all.) And I was never the first kid up any driveway or across any lawn! Uh-uh! Let someone taller go first! Those little buggers definitely added a dose of genuine terror to the night. 😛


          Did you know that I read that statistically, each person swallows 8 spiders in their lifetime? while sleeping? 😯 😯 ….My only question is…how did they get that statistic?


          Maybe they watched people sleeping? They have cameras in our homes…. bwahahaha… I mean, I don’t know anything about any cameras…. 😈


            😆 😆 😆


            purplecat wrote:

            Did you know that I read that statistically, each person swallows 8 spiders in their lifetime? while sleeping? 😯 😯 ….My only question is…how did they get that statistic?

            I always wondered why some days my morning breath seemed a bit more toxic than average. 😆

            The below shots are at Moms place, the slang name for these ladies are Bananna spiders and yes, they’re everywhere! I have fond memories of hauling arse through the various woods on horseback and getting plastered everywhere with their webs.

            My sister saw me taking these shots, wandered over to ooh and aah at the sight and excitedly, in her sick and demented way, ran in to bring Mom out to view her many, many buddies.

            Mom no likey spidey, let alone what you are about to see below. She promptly ran into the house to grab her spray. 😮

            How many can YOU count?

            Because of their smaller size, there are a lot of males in there that you’re not seeing.


            I count 9



            8 maybe? I only see 8. But I need to get my eyes checked (which means I need proof I’m a diabetic so that it’s covered by Alberta Health Care, although I do have coverage for this).


            Barrdwing wrote:

            Anybody else live where there are lots of orb weavers? You know, those great big spiders that spin giant round webs between trees or across paths, then hang there like a demonic grape at eye level just waiting for you to walk into them? Yeah, those things.

            When I was a kid, my dad used to send me “up the hill” to turn off the sprinklers at night. It was a somewhat long and twisting path with lots of overhanging branches on all sides. The spiders just loved it. My sisters used to watch from the window, laughing hysterically, as I crept up the path flailing a stick in front of me like a kid being attacked by pinatas. When the sprinklers were off I’d come down that hill at top speed, kicking up gravel on the turns.

            Spiders. Yurk. >.<

            orb weavers…yes…gods yes…my first year living in california i was introduced to them…see back then in school i was in marching band and ROTC so i had to be up at 4 am to let the dog out and eat and all that stuff..well..i open the screen door to our apartment..half asleep..in my boxers and pretty much dead to the world..when i feel something sticky on my face and something else rather large and..moving…i dont think the neighbors where expecting to hear a blood curtling scream erupt that early in the morning..but it did..along with me running outside flailign like a lunatic while screaming like a girl and cursing my head off in a display my mother to this day is not proud of >.>..after an hour of flailing, cursing and screaming i finally managed to get done what i needed..i thought the bugger was gone…nope..next morning she was there again..i took a tennis racket to her >:)


            heh, I think I’ve seen one of those. it had a web from the second story apartment building roof corner, to the light pole next to it, down to about 2 feet off the ground on the same pole and then attached to the same building. it was awesome, I went back about an hour later to take a picture, and the manager had already taken it down 🙁 I haven’t seen it back yet

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