07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread!

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    My fiance, Rodney got his Colt today. Not sure what is up with mine? Guessing he maybe here tomorrow, hope so. Anyway, time for some pic spam!!

     photo Colt-1_zpsa5ee88de.jpg

    I made sure that Rodney got a fuzzy too…;)

     photo Colt-2_zps6b150559.jpg

     photo Colt-3_zpsb48c480e.jpg

     photo Colt-4_zps4451ef53.jpg

     photo Colt-8_zps7aa7d745.jpg

     photo Colt-5_zps551c7bea.jpg

    Here are a couple pics without the flash:

     photo Colt-6_zps534eec47.jpg

     photo Colt-7_zpsafba0605.jpg

    Though I really like the ones with the eerie nightmarish dragon shadows, I like this guy too. It is as if fantasy meets reality color-wise. His colors remind me of a Buckskin (my favorite color of horse) or a Dun. If this Colt was the one I received, I might of been hesitant to part with him, but he is not mine. Rodney on the other hand is not picky and will more then likely be keeping him. He did have a hard time seeing the Dragon on the Colt’s back, but Rodney’s vision isn’t the greatest for he is a traumatic brain injury survivor. I plan to show him the pic I took of the Dragon design since the photo is 4000 x 3000, no way he can miss it…;)


    On Tracking numbers:

    USPS Priority Mail tracking numbers are automatically sent out by paypal or the post office, or whatever entity does it – we have no control over those emails and cannot tell if they are sent or not – they will go to the email address you have on your paypal account. I’ve been getting messages that some people are not getting those notices – its possible they are getting caught up in junk mail filters – you might check your junk mail box to see if they are there. I can only guess that paypal or the post office changed something and they are not going out like they used to.

    My spam/junk filter is turned off for that very reason, so I am not sure why I didn’t get my tracking number? My guess is that Paypal goofed up somewhere for my e-mail addy is the same as it has been for years. I did get the completed e-mail, so at least I know mine is in the mail.

    *watches mailbox impatiently*

    All good things come to those who wait…;)


      Ah, that one from the store photo. Where are all the bright and beautiful pretties? So far it’s been a lot of natural ones it seems.

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        Mine is out for delivery ! Im not sure about my moms though.
        im hoping I dont get a natural one , Yuck !!
        Com’on all purple one , would be nice to get my #1 for once !


          I received what I believe is the Zebra in the front row on the store photo. I’m so sad. I’ve been wanting to buy a Windstone since I was 8…and I finally had cash saved up. I literally wanted ANY OTHER ONE than the one I received. He’s up for trade if anyone wants him. I don’t think there are any trades I’d turn away from this or the last grab bag. I’ve got him in the classified, but I’m not optimistic.

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          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Image and video hosting by TinyPic

          Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
          ANY Red Eyed Unis
          ANY Test Paint Bat
          The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
          Male- Snow Leopard TP
          White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
          Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
          Mother: Okapi
          Gothic - Mahogany
          PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
          DRAGONS: Male Coyote


            WOW, that zebra one is super gorgeous! Don’t despair, Natashavonlemke, as soon as people like me get our colts, I’m sure you will get several trade offers. Yours is one of my favorites.

            Now I just have to stare impatiently at my mailbox for the next week or two. *crosses fingers for a fast delivery*


              Your little guy was in my top four! Your fiancé is lucky. He’s a gorgeous unicorn.

              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
              ANY Red Eyed Unis
              ANY Test Paint Bat
              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
              Male- Snow Leopard TP
              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
              Mother: Okapi
              Gothic - Mahogany
              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                WOW, that zebra one is super gorgeous! Don’t despair, Natashavonlemke, as soon as people like me get our colts, I’m sure you will get several trade offers. Yours is one of my favorites.

                Now I just have to stare impatiently at my mailbox for the next week or two. *crosses fingers for a fast delivery*

                Thank you. I don’t mean to whine. I shouldn’t. Perhaps someone will snap him up. The painting is really lovely, he’s just not my type. I’m surprised I got mine so quickly!

                Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                ANY Red Eyed Unis
                ANY Test Paint Bat
                The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                Male- Snow Leopard TP
                White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                Mother: Okapi
                Gothic - Mahogany
                PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                  Okay – mine was marked completed late yesterday, so perhaps I’ll get him early next week.
                  So far the ones that have been posted are ones I was hoping I wouldn’t get, so maybe the odds will be better for me? I’m not crazy for the Safari-like, or the ‘Wing’ or ‘Butterfly’ ones.

                  I did mark the colt that Ferlin1984 got as one of the ones I did like, but he’s like 14th or so down on my list.
                  Hopefully some of the really wild, colorful ones will show up (hopefully I’ll post one of them myself :D).

                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                  Your little guy was in my top four! Your fiancé is lucky. He’s a gorgeous unicorn.

                  Thanks, I’ll let him know. I’m getting ready to pack the Colt back up to take over to fiances apartment tonight. I let him hang out on my shelf with my other Windstone pieces for a little bit…;)


                    I received what I believe is the Zebra in the front row on the store photo.

                    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                    There’s a Factory photo on Facebook showing Melody painting the Crow on this one’s back. 😉

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                      Thank you for the head’s up! I will check it out.

                      Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                      ANY Red Eyed Unis
                      ANY Test Paint Bat
                      The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                      Male- Snow Leopard TP
                      White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                      Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                      Mother: Okapi
                      Gothic - Mahogany
                      PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                      DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                        Here’s mine. Wow, I was seduced by all the colorful ones in the batch but got one of the more natural ones. This one is identical to the natural colt I got from last batch, just with the saddle white and blue. Looking for dragons, butterflies, dolphins, more fantasy colors. Maybe all the brown ones were early in this batch?

                         photo imagejpg2_zps91faafad.jpg

                         photo imagejpg1_zps36b30aae.jpg


                          Ah, Anichol, I love him. He looks Koi-ish to me. I wish you were into my little raven/zebra. I’d trade you in a minute!

                          Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                          ANY Red Eyed Unis
                          ANY Test Paint Bat
                          The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                          Male- Snow Leopard TP
                          White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                          Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                          Mother: Okapi
                          Gothic - Mahogany
                          PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                          DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                            LOL! I feel like I should have waited and placed my order like a day or two later! All the colorful ones must have gotten packed last!

                            Got a busted Windstone?
                            *OPEN for repairs*

                            *SEEKING GRAILS*
                            Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                            Siphlophis Male Dragon
                            Calypso Hatching Empress
                            Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                            Tattoo Mother Kirin
                            Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                            Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                            Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                            Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                            Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                            Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons

                          Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 388 total)
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