
The female foo dog! She is pretty much finished! Marco, our mold maker, will now begin the production-mold making process. This takes a little while, it involves both replicating many rubber molds from the finished “master” , and creating precise rigid “carriers” to support the production molds when they are filled with liquid gypsum.

Sit. Good dog.
I should add that the painted foo-dog is sloppy looking because I painted her in about fifteen minutes. Yours will look so much nicer!!

31 thoughts on “Foo-mom”

  1. OMG SHES AWESOME!!! I love the coloring on this black rainbow one as well as the unfinished “ivory” looking one. Im so excited about a new “production” {omg really!?} sculpt!!

  2. [quote=WolfenMachine]OMG SHES AWESOME!!! I love the coloring on this black rainbow one as well as the unfinished “ivory” looking one. Im so excited about a new “production” {omg really!?} sculpt!![/quote]

    These will be PYO’s. She means production mold as in, the molds we will use to produce them 🙂

  3. New PYO’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! *back flips*

    I love her, and its mainly because she doesn’t look like a dog but a big cat. (DON’T CHANGE A THING!)

  4. Wow, you have outdone yourself yet again, Melody! She is INCREDIBLE!!! She will be perfect to paint in the gold/white scheme to match my shih tzus!!
    My Wicket thinks the resemblance is uncanny! 😉

  5. [quote=opal dragon]


    Absolutely beautiful! Cant wait, are they waiting to release the babies with the mommas or are the babies going to hit the store first?[/quote]
    Hahaha! your cat pic cracked me up!
    The babies will be sold first . We are just waiting for the stamps for the bottom(too small for an inset logo like other pyos)and the pads to be made.

  6. [quote=WolfenMachine]OMG SHES AWESOME!!! I love the coloring on this black rainbow one as well as the unfinished “ivory” looking one. Im so excited about a new “production” {omg really!?} sculpt!![/quote]
    She is going to be a pyo

  7. [quote=Jennifer]Melody– in the bottom photos, is the mother foo-dog painted or is she simply “dipped” in tinted water?[/quote]

    Yeah, what she asked. I love the ivory. 😉

  8. [quote=Laurie][quote=Jennifer]Melody– in the bottom photos, is the mother foo-dog painted or is she simply “dipped” in tinted water?[/quote]

    Yeah, what she asked. I love the ivory. ;)[/quote]This dog was painted with strong tea with a brush.

  9. [quote=Jennifer]Melody– in the bottom photos, is the mother foo-dog painted or is she simply “dipped” in tinted water?[/quote]She was painted with a brush, with repeated brushings. Dipping doesn’t always give consistent results, the piece sometimes comes out blotchy.

  10. Lovely! She looks like she’d bite your hand if you tried to pet her – and I love it! Regal and ferocious all at once. I think the tail is my favorite part actually, but the facial expression is perfect too. I’ll be dreaming up a color scheme for when these hit the store 🙂

  11. WAAAH! She’s absolutely beautiful! :bigsmile: I am really looking forward to seeing these become available–just look at all of that detail. That snarl! Those ears! That sweeping tail! It’s great that we can look forward to an entire family grouping of these wonderful characters. I’ll spend the rest of the year daydreaming about where they could best be displayed. 😉

  12. She is so awesome!!! It’s amazing how you’ve managed to incorporate all of the ornamentation and still keep her so life-like! This piece is like a dream come true. I can’t wait until she’s released in the store!

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