"Fire Water" the raffle prize for July 2012

This fine male dragon is painted in a mish-mosh of colors.
Fire Water was a paint experiment done on a “rescue” piece, like most of the raffle prizes.
He may still have a pinhole bubble or two, though I repaired all the ones I could find.
I airbrushed him with a reddish color on the small scales and blue tones on his larger scales. Then I added all sorts of other colors.
He has periwinkle colored glass eyes and light blue jewels in his forehead.

This is a free raffle for Windstone forum members.

If you would like a chance to win Fire Water, email me your real name, and address and forum name, with the words “July 2012 raffle” in the subject line – send to: Reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com
(Note: If you use these exact words in the subject line, I will be sure to find your entry)
I will pick a winner at the end of the month and announce who you are in the Announcements section here on the forum.

If you aren’t yet a member and would like to join, the “register” button is at the top of this page… Welcome!

28 thoughts on “"Fire Water" the raffle prize for July 2012”

  1. He’s beautiful! I had a white dragon like this, but in a move he broke CLEAN IN HALF!! My husband was scared to tell me about it, so he just threw the poor dragon away.

  2. Oops, forgot to include my email address; send entries to: Reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com
    I’ll get your entry if you use the Windstone email too, but mine is easier for me to use.

  3. I remember a while back finding a store that sold these wonderful dragons. I wasn’t able to find any more information about them until recently, now there’s a chance for someone to win one? I’m ridiculously excited! I love the colors they’re absolutely exquisite!

  4. Oh, wow! oh, wow, oh, wow! I can’t stop looking at him. There is so much to take in I think I could look at him for a long, long time and not get bored. What a wonderful boy!

    And those ears!!!! Too darned cute!!! My fingers AND toes are crossed, LOL. 😀

  5. [quote=4dragonlove]Oh, wow! oh, wow, oh, wow! I can’t stop looking at him. There is so much to take in I think I could look at him for a long, long time and not get bored. What a wonderful boy!

    And those ears!!!! Too darned cute!!! My fingers AND toes are crossed, LOL. :D[/quote]

    <<< is trying to cross eyes as well as toes and fingers haha. I love those colors!! >w< Simply fantastic

  6. I’m getting a lot of raffle entries sent to the website “contact us” email which sometimes gets caught in our spam filter. For best results please email to Melody directly at her gmail “reptangle” account below:

    “If you would like a chance to win Fire Water, email me your real name, and address and forum name, with the words “July 2012 raffle” in the subject line – send to: Reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com

  7. He is a really beautiful guy! I’m not sure why, but the more random coloration on him just blends and complements each other so fantastically that it is extremely appealing! I totally agree with the others that said they’d be willing to buy this coloration as a regular production item; and that everything that I can cross is crossed! 🙂

  8. My loss for not logging in to sign up for the July raffle. This dragon takes my breath away! My daughter Emily (White Knight) let me know that you have some Foo Puppy PYO’s that will be for sale today, so I’m getting ready for that – I’m going to try my hand a painting a Windstone Edition. I’m excited!


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