I don’t think I should call this guy “Pinkie pie” but that is the only name I can think of.
Pinkie is the raffle prize for Feb. 2012. P.P. was painted by P.S.
It has been a while since I wrote the so-called “rules” so here is some info for new members:
This is a free raffle for all members of the Windstone forum. We ship world wide.
I will post a picture of the prize-of-the-month in the Windstone blog (this thing) usually at the very end of the month.( it is ok to nag me about this on the forum, I always forget to do it!) If you would like a chance to win the particular prize pictured, email me with your forum name,real name and address (if you haven’t entered before) and the words “Feb.2012 raffle ” in the subject line. This is so I can search my hoplessly junk-fill inbox for your entries.
My Email is: reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com
Please don’t send your entry to me using “private message” or facebook or comments, or any other off-beat way… I will happily accept all entries if I find them, but I may not find them!
If you have won a Windstone raffle prize in the past, I ask that you not enter again,(except for the 997 raffle which was special). You MAY enter again if you have given your prize to someone else, or sold it and donated the proceeds to charity or a needy cause. This is totally honor system, you don’t need to send reciepts or anything. I’ll take your word.
You are free to enter the “Quests” if you have won a raffle, although there are some yearly maximum monetary limits on total winnings. So being too lucky would be unlucky.
I also make up rules on the fly, so if you have any weird questions about this you can email me at the above email address.
I will pick a winner on last day of the month around 5-6 pm PST, (unless I’m busy or something), and announce the name of the winner in the “Announcements”forum section.
Did anybody read all this? Just curious.
I read it all =P it is a lovely Kirin, good luck to those that enter! i’ll be holding my entry for a dragon raffle, but I look forward to seeing who wins this pretty little one.
Yes – I read it all. 🙂
I read it all 😉 Good to know the rules! 😀 my entry will is coming! (Next thing on my to-do list ;p lol!)
‘n is that a flaw on that one scale on his side? or how he’s painted? or something I’m imagining? – Just curious! XD
Yuppers I read it all. Not time wasted for you Melody!! Thanks for the info and thanks for the raffles. We all appreciate it greatly!!
So this is what happened to the Pink Valentine baby ki-rin. Liked this much better than pink nebula. I will definitely be entering the raffle.
Read it! Sounds good….
Thank you very much for the refresher Melody! Read it all!
Soooo Cute!!!
Read it.
I don’t remember giving the address in the email before? Is it something new?
Yup, read it! Thanks for all the good info.
Also, she’s too cute for words.
I am a new member, and how fortuitous for me that you happened to reiterate the rules for us newbies!!! Thank you so much for going over the details again, I know it must be tedious to repeat yourself.
The kyrin is adorable! Good luck to everyone entered!
[quote=4dragonlove]I am a new member, and how fortuitous for me that you happened to reiterate the rules for us newbies!!! Thank you so much for going over the details again, I know it must be tedious to repeat yourself.
The kyrin is adorable! Good luck to everyone entered![/quote]
Diddo 4dragonlove <^}}}><
[quote=KaytanaPhoenix]I read it all 😉 Good to know the rules! 😀 my entry will is coming! (Next thing on my to-do list ;p lol!)
‘n is that a flaw on that one scale on his side? or how he’s painted? or something I’m imagining? – Just curious! XD[/quote]
I noticed that too in the picture. It looks almost like a cover up on the scale or something. O.o
[quote=Nightmarish Waltz]Read it.
I don’t remember giving the address in the email before? Is it something new?[/quote]
I have always asked for a real address too. You don’t have to include it again for future raffles once I have you in my gmail address book. (By the way I don’t sell addresses or do anything nefarious with this info! )
It is a little silver heart!
Ohhh! Ok XD I see it now! 😀 lol
oh, those are hearts! I couldn’t tell until it was pointed out, instead I was going, why is there a big top coat mistake there?
As a matter of fact, I did read the whole thing!
And the name Pinkie Pie is awesome! I suddenly want to win Pinkie very much, and not only because I’ve always wanted to get one of your kirins. ^-^
He arrived today and was absolutely loved by my wife, she squealed to have it handed to her and ran to add it to her line of Babies after giving him the look over, she adored the double signature and gave it another squeal as she showed it to me.
You made a special piece for a special lady for Valentines day gift. I was so fortunate to win it and give it to her for she loved it more then I even knew she would.
Thanks Very Very Much.
Thanks for the info on how to enter raffles, here is looking forward to the march 2012 one!