18 thoughts on “The Veligent – page 15.5”

  1. If you are viewing this comic on a flat screen monitor that is set as light as mine is, you are missing a lot of the shading depth that I did digitally over the real media pen and ink. These pages look totally flat and washed out on mine! Looks much richer on my dark little laptop.

  2. I can relate to this… In high school, all the girls straightened their hair, so my mom would not let me out of the house until she straightened my hair with a flat iron. I hated it. So when I went to college I either never touched my hair, or I opted for the curlers instead.

  3. I LOVE the last frame! Those well-articulated paws coming his hair – fabulous. You convey so well the care that the flions have for the vigilent and his anxious rush to get where he’s going. Thanks for another great installment.

  4. What, no, last page already? Aah, I could read hours of this 🙂 Just stumbled across it and I absolutely love it. Especially this page. The whole combing of his hair had me laughing out loud.

    I’ve been collecting Windstone since…oh ’89 when I was still in elementary school. It’s wonderful to see them all coming to life.

  5. HeeHee!
    I thinks it’s actually Funnier in Color! Great coloration of The Veligent’s pages so far, Ms. Melody. 🙂
    Will you be printing the entire Graphic Novel once you are finished? I’ve Love to get one! :love:

  6. Yes. I intend to get it printed by one of the pod companies ( print on demand). I am looking into “Lulu” and “Createspace”… both are pricey, but from the reviews, the quality is good.
    Thank you! I tried to only add color that would enhance the story rather than be distracting…I wasn’t always entirely successful. I am still fiddling with a couple pages that look yucky.

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