Blue Raffle dragon

This is “Blue” ( I am so good at names) He is the raffle prize for March 2012.
He is a very pretty blue Spectral dragon.
Like all of our raffle prizes, Blue has a small defect. He has a small dent( hardly noticeable) under the paint on one of his dorsal scales, but he is still beautiful and needs a good home.

This is a free raffle for all members of the Windstone forum. We ship world wide.
If you are a forum member, and would like a chance to win “Blue”, email me with your forum name,real name and address (if you haven’t entered before) and the words “MARCH 2012 raffle ” in the subject line. This is so I can search my hoplessly junk-fill inbox for your entries.

My Email is: reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com

Please don’t send your entry to me using “private message”, Facebook, Deviant art comments, or any other off-beat way…Though I happily accept all entries if I find them, I may not find them!

If you have won a Windstone raffle prize in the past, no fair entering again,(except for the 997 raffle which was special). However you MAY enter again if you have given your prize to someone else, or sold it and donated the proceeds to charity or a needy cause. This is totally honor system, you don’t need to send reciepts or anything. I’ll take your word.

You are free to enter and win the “Quests” if you have won a raffle.

I also make up rules on the fly, so if you have any weird questions about this you can email me at the above email address.
I will pick a winner on last day of the month around 5-6 pm PST, (unless I’m busy or something), and announce the name of the winner in the “Announcements” forum section.

13 thoughts on “Blue Raffle dragon”

  1. I am a brand new member today (3/28/12) in search for hard to find dragons. I have purchased a few through this site and on E-bay and other distributors. Of course I am hoping to win this like everyone else is.

    My question as a newbie here – why do all of the comments say “new” in them? Maybe this is a dumb question, but I was just curious. 🙂

    Edited to add – Now my comment says “new” and no one else’s does. No biggie, just curious.

  2. [quote=Tallcool1]I am a brand new member today (3/28/12) in search for hard to find dragons. I have purchased a few through this site and on E-bay and other distributors. Of course I am hoping to win this like everyone else is.

    My question as a newbie here – why do all of the comments say “new” in them? Maybe this is a dumb question, but I was just curious. 🙂

    Edited to add – Now my comment says “new” and no one else’s does. No biggie, just curious.[/quote] I am not sure…where does the word “new” appear? You mean in the column next to the forum threads? The column next to the thread title will tell you how many new replies there are since you were last were logged on.

  3. [quote=Tallcool1]I am a brand new member today (3/28/12) in search for hard to find dragons. I have purchased a few through this site and on E-bay and other distributors. Of course I am hoping to win this like everyone else is.

    My question as a newbie here – why do all of the comments say “new” in them? Maybe this is a dumb question, but I was just curious. 🙂

    Edited to add – Now my comment says “new” and no one else’s does. No biggie, just curious.[/quote]Welcome!!

  4. It was appearing beneath the avatar picture – and now the “new” is not under my original post. But your answer looks like the explanation to what I was seeing. Thanks for clearing that up for me and thank you for the welcome!

  5. [quote=Tallcool1]It was appearing beneath the avatar picture – and now the “new” is not under my original post. But your answer looks like the explanation to what I was seeing. Thanks for clearing that up for me and thank you for the welcome![/quote]
    It’s because those are the new posts since the last time you logged in and looked at that thread.

    It’s just a quick way to find the posts you have not seen yet. =D

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