Art challenge!

Well, it is time to have fun!

As you guys probably know, I have been taking a online “Kickstarter”  comics launch class to learn how to run a kickstarter campaign.

In this class I met Karen Gillmore. She is a really neat person who does art,  books and comics ( link to her page, below) that are very compatible with my stuff ,  so we  came up with the idea of doing an art challenge for the month of July, inspired by the “Inktober” and “Junicorn” challenges.  Ours is called ” Zooly” (  pronounced zoo-lye like July… get it?)

It is about animals! We will post a prompt of a type of animal each day in July , and you can draw or sculpt, or somehow create that animal and post it! Join the  special Zooly facebook page to  post it there , or use  intstagram or twitter using the hashtag “#zooly.”

This is a fun way  to challenge yourself.   All skill levels welcome!

For a clearer explanation , here is a link to  Karen’s page with her  blog about the challenge!

The Zooly Art Challenge

(How ’bout we use this challenge to create some Aceo cards for the swap?)




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