Quest 16 – Closed

Home Forums The Tanglian Wilderness Quests Quest 16 – Closed

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      Here is round 2! Second verse, almost the same as the first! πŸ™‚

      NEW Notes! ***Nothing on this list was unique to one person, I don’t call it out if it isn’t a trend so please don’t worry if you see something yo did on the list of notes – it means several others did it too!**

      1.) You MUST send in photo B, not the original. Same if you are sending in the list of changes, you must list what is different in photo “B”. I will not be able to accept entries regarding photo “A”.

      2.) Make sure you get the subject line to your email right! I will not be accepting late entries this round if yours gets lost because the subject line was wrong.

      3.) Double check your forum name! πŸ™‚ I don’t know all of your real names and I might not notice you didn’t include your forum ID until it’s too late. No forum name = no entry. Since forum membership is a requirement of the contest, I can’t confirm you’re eligible without it!

      4.) ONLY list the changes OR send a photo. Please don’t send both. It’s much faster to check the photos and it’s a big time sink to realize I just checked a whole text list and there was actually a photo attached. πŸ™‚ I also only need photo B, you don’t have to do a side-by-side, I’ll have the answer key on hand. πŸ™‚ Hopefully this is less work for all of you!

      On to the quest! πŸ™‚


      Again, we’ll be showing you two photos – one original and one “modified” and you will need to find the differences!

      This is round 2 out of 4 planned – I don’t have an ETA on the next two, it will happen whenever we have time to make more photos. πŸ™‚

      How it Works:

      ***Please Note – DO NOT POST differences you find on this thread or on the forum – this will result in an automatic disqualification. Also, don’t post on the Windstone Facebook page with answers or solicit help at any official Windstone location.***

      Review the photos posted below for differences. You may either use a graphic program like MS Paint, Photoshop, etc to circle/mark the differences (you can down load the photo by clicking on it, going to Photobucket, and using the “download” link on the right-lower side of the page), OR if you don’t have a graphics program, you can write the change down – just be descriptive.

      For example, “On Photo B, the fuzzy in the upper left corner has been changed from blue to green”.

      Entries need to be emailed to ayonah @ windstoneeditions . com by 9/26 @ 5 pm PT (for round one – additional rounds will have their closure times posted separately) with the subject line “Quest 16 – Round Two Entry”.

      Entries must contain your answers either in the email or as a graphic file attachment (.jpg, .png, .gif, not to exceed 5 MB in size) and your forum username.

      All correctly identified differences (up to 10 per photo) will earn one entry into a prize drawing. Additionally, one entry will be given just for playing.

      The prize for round one will be a “SURPRISE!” Windstone of small/medium size with a value not to exceed $150.

      All registered forum members are eligible to play provided they have reached the age of majority in their country of origin. Minors may also enter, but will require written permission from a parent or guardian to participate. One entry per person and only one forum member may enter per household, however. Different household members may take turns entering each round if they so choose.

      Once the entry period has closed, we will post a “key” for the differences so you can see what has changed.

      Photo A –
      Picture A photo PaintSampleCartUnchanged_zpsb18b5cc7.jpg

      Photo B –
      Picture B photo PaintSampleCartChanged_zpsb83de5ab.jpg



      [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


      In notes above it says to put quest 16 round one entry…should it not be two? Thanks for doing this!!


      Entry has been sent…:D


        In notes above it says to put quest 16 round one entry…should it not be two? Thanks for doing this!!

        Yes, you’re right – thanks. I’ve fixed that. It looks like the few entries that came in last night are all okay too.


        hmmm this is a tricky one!


        Awesome, mine is in. πŸ™‚

        Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John) |

        As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
        Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


        And mine is sent in ^^


          Wow, I think I may have actually found them all this time. πŸ™‚

          Will you be posting the answer key for round 1?

          Thank you for another fun puzzle!


          Oh no… hope that case with the photo and text wasn’t me! If so, sorry! I put some text AFTER the photo this time, but if it’s not okay I can resend it. I was eager to send it in properly and didn’t fully read the part about sending it in.

          [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            Oh no… hope that case with the photo and text wasn’t me! If so, sorry! I put some text AFTER the photo this time, but if it’s not okay I can resend it. I was eager to send it in properly and didn’t fully read the part about sending it in.

            There were a lot of them. I don’t remember who they came from. πŸ™‚

            It’s not a ‘you are disqualified’ thing so you don’t need to resend. It was more of a “argh, I just spent 10 minutes matching this list up and there was a photo I could have checked in 30 seconds?!?! Gah!” kind of thing πŸ™‚


              Wow, I think I may have actually found them all this time. πŸ™‚

              Will you be posting the answer key for round 1?

              Thank you for another fun puzzle!

              Yes, I just have to go dig it up and post it. πŸ™‚


                I hope I did the entry right… (I’m such a technological troglodyte :bigsmile: )

                tdm :bigsmile:



                  Whew, entry sent; hopefully its all correctly addressed, labeled, & marked…

                  This is a fun quest!

                  Good luck to everyone who’s participating!


                    HeeHee! Yes, this Quest IS my Favorite one so far! πŸ˜€

                    I think I found ALL of the changes on my Train commute home from work Friday evening. I’ll need to wait until Monday afternoon to send it in.

                    Good Luck Everyone! πŸ™‚

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at

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