
How many Curly colors have their been?

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    I am trying to figure out who I am missing, but I can not find a list of the colours??
    In the store there are:
    Copper Patina
    Black Gold
    Blue Pearl
    Gold – Signed
    Lavender Pearl
    Pearly Pink
    Silver with Blue eyes
    Silver with Lavender eyes
    Violet Flame

    Then there is:
    Emerald Peacock-Signed
    and the Blue Pearl w/Blue eyes

    Am I missing anyone else?

    ETA thanks NC thats the one I had called flame something for the life of me I could not remember the name, LOL.

    and I think we still need:



      forgot the Russet, very first color that came out.


        and Rainbow 🙂


          I missed the Rainbows, I wonder why they were taken out of the store, wasnt only one or 2 batches of them done???


            I only remember one batch of rainbows and I think they were take out because the store broke quite spectacularly with them.


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            I only remember one batch of rainbows and I think they were take out because the store broke quite spectacularly with them.

            😆 Poor little Windstone store….it just couldn’t hack the demand! I find that really amusing for some reason…


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              I only remember one batch of rainbows and I think they were take out because the store broke quite spectacularly with them.

              yes.. so far only one batch.. and the store was completely frazzled..

              Susie has a list for them when they come back.. but she did say it will probably be a long time before that happens..


                I love the Curled dragons very much. I have all the store ones. I think the Rainbows and the EmPea are incredibly close together in colour scheme. I don’t mind but on more than one occasion I’ve had guests ask me why I have two of the same- they aren’t Windstone collectors. I appreciate however, the many colours a Rainbow has to get onto a smaller sculpt.

                I’m curious if the new Copper Patinas will look very close to the Golds. I’m only going based on the store photo. Needs more green for me, like the Surf and Turf one on ebay. But it’s a collection of same sculpt thing for me so unless there’s an emergency, I don’t foresee my selling any of them! Very cute little cowpies 😀

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


                  These are the ones I have and I think I have all the regular ones

                  Red Flame
                  Emerald Peacock
                  Black Gold
                  Violet Flame 1
                  Violet Flame 2
                  Pink (2 both colors)
                  Silver – Blue Eyes
                  Silver – Lavender Eyes
                  Lavender Pearl
                  Blue Pearl
                  Old Green
                  Copper Patina


                    I just listed mine in the curlie/potato chip thread
                    1) AMY 2) Brown 3) White 4) Gold 5) B/G 6) Blue Pearl 7) Lave Pearl 8 ) Silver/Blue eyes 9) Silver/Lav eyes 10) Pink/Light 11) Pink/Dark12) Russett/Now Red Fire 13) VF1 14) VF2 15) Emerald 16) Green 17) Rainbow 18) Em Pea 19) Copper
                    this does not include the special ones


                      Can someone share personal photos of the VF1 and VF2 Curls? I don’t know which batch mine came from but I adore it so it doesn’t matter. But I’m curious to see the differences between batches. And because I can sometimes have trouble seeing the differences, can you also say what the differences are along with the pix? Thank you!

                      I got my Copper Patina curl, yay! I love all my curls but yes, it does look a lot like my Gold. The splash of green is nice but would’ve liked more green offset. Would’ve been great if the eyes and jewel were different rather than red like the Golds also. But again, curls are cute as a bugs eye so I cannot resist them and would buy any store one. I know lots of folks want a Peacock one (and Ruby too) but IMO, those, for me, will look much like ones I already have. However… that won’t stop me from buying either of those when they’re released! 😆

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”


                        there’s been 20 regular production ones so far… 21 if you count the different pinks

                        silver had 2 eye colors
                        blue pearl had 2 eye colors
                        lavender pearl had 2 eye colors
                        black gold
                        copper patina
                        emerald peacock
                        violet flame version 1
                        violet flame version 2

                        I didn’t get both versions of pink.. didn’t see the need.. I got both silvers, but didn’t want both of the lavender and blue pearls.. so I prolly don’t need the other silver.. I still need the rainbow..

                        the picture isn’t with all that I have.. but it’s still a cool picture

                        I’m sure someone can take it and label it.. I think they have before.. Pegasi or Lamorte or someone I think did


                          A Curl Swirl! Cool photo! The ones on either side of the EmPea (I think… left side of circle), are they both VFs? The one above the Old Green, what color is that one? I have all the store ones and still can’t tell unless they’re in front of me!

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

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