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      πŸ˜€ I’m a pirate, ARRRRRRRR, GIVE ME YOUR BOOTY!

      I want to go trick or treating >.> gotta find a mask hehehe

      what is everyone else doing?



          Happy Halloween!!!

          I’m giving out candy!

          Someday I will have a place of my own and I can go nuts with costuming and decorations!


            I’m doing the candy giving-outing and Roddy and the boys are having a Ghostbusters movie marathon. I have another wing pic that I’ll get up sometime… I made some last year for our little neighbor, Anne. Her family just stopped by, she was wearing her wings and fluffy-ruffle skirt and she let me get a few pix πŸ˜€ HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

            twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



              I’m giving out candy. Sort of. We’ve had so few kids come by, that we started giving out two bars a piece as well as giving them to the parents. We’re handing out the big/full size candy bars this year and still have so many left over to tempt me πŸ™„

              Happy Halloween!


                I’m stuck at work, ready to keel over (sinus head cold…). My coworker called out tonight, so he could go with his wife to take his daughter out trick or treating, so I’m it until midnight. Really wish I was home curled up on the couch under a blanket *sigh*. I dressed up last weekend though with Drag0nfeathers in Boston. I had my fun then πŸ˜€ We don’t get too many at the house anyways, so it’s just as well.


                Lokie wrote:

                I’m giving out candy. Sort of. We’ve had so few kids come by, that we started giving out two bars a piece as well as giving them to the parents. We’re handing out the big/full size candy bars this year and still have so many left over to tempt me πŸ™„

                Happy Halloween!

                im coming up your way, i didnt think any one gave out full sized any more . i should be there in about 8 hours πŸ˜†


                  HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!!
                  I’ve been giving out candy’s and I thought thta since today is Friday a whole bunch of kids were gonna comeby and I ended up with only maybe 20 kids and 200 mini chocolate bars left over… πŸ˜€
                  But I did get some pinting in while I was sitting there wondering where all the kids were… πŸ˜‰



                    Necron99 wrote:

                    Lokie wrote:

                    I’m giving out candy. Sort of. We’ve had so few kids come by, that we started giving out two bars a piece as well as giving them to the parents. We’re handing out the big/full size candy bars this year and still have so many left over to tempt me πŸ™„

                    Happy Halloween!

                    im coming up your way, i didnt think any one gave out full sized any more . i should be there in about 8 hours πŸ˜†
                    πŸ˜† I’ll leave the porch light on for you


                      I dressed up in a full phoenix costume I made, and we did about 8 pumpkins and spent all afternoon decorating. We usually get droves of kids here, over 80 or 100! This year we got perhaps 20 at the most. I don’t understand… a Friday night, perfect weather…! I wonder where all the kids were.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                      My art: featherdust.com


                        Jennifer wrote:

                        I dressed up in a full phoenix costume I made, and we did about 8 pumpkins and spent all afternoon decorating. We usually get droves of kids here, over 80 or 100! This year we got perhaps 20 at the most. I don’t understand… a Friday night, perfect weather…! I wonder where all the kids were.

                        We never get a lot of kids, though this would be the perfect neighbourhood for them, we’re in an area filled with rows of townhouses so you don’t even have go far to the next door.

                        And did you get pics of you in your costume, Nam?? I want to see.


                          Happy Halloween!

                          My son’s costume


                            Well I carved two pumpkins ^^ nagged my sister (in vain) to dress up, we have tons of costumes because my brother was working at a Halloween costume store this year. Then around 6pm my brother and I took my nephew out trick or treating πŸ˜€ as soon as he got over his fear of strangers he started pointing to the houses with bright lights saying “there?!” and tugging at my hand to go to the door πŸ™‚ he just liked ringing the doorbells I think (3 years old) I had fun with him, though the boots I was wearing gave me blisters -.- he got a decent sized bag of candy (which I’ll be keeping in my room <..>) it was a bit rainy, but not as cold as last year, so that was super great. We watched a couple scary movies too. ^^ a night well spent!

                            I hope everyone elses nights were good.

                            and there weren’t a lot of kids in the neighborhood we were in either =


                              Ooh, Nam, can we see photos of your costume?


                              Jennifer wrote:

                              I dressed up in a full phoenix costume I made, and we did about 8 pumpkins and spent all afternoon decorating. We usually get droves of kids here, over 80 or 100! This year we got perhaps 20 at the most. I don’t understand… a Friday night, perfect weather…! I wonder where all the kids were.

                              saddly i think Halloween , or trick or treating is going the way of the DoDo . i bought the bag of 120 candy bars and im sitting here eating my 5th butter finger with many more bars to go i think we saw 50 kids thats it πŸ™ . This community is very pretentious and thinks trick or treating for the most part is below them , unless its at their church

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